Video: Rocket News – Week of 2023-01-24

January 24, 2023

The 21st week of school opens with a recap of the Stompin’ at the Savoy event, a one-night jazz dance concert featuring Neenah High’s Intermediate and Advanced Jazz Ensembles. The Robotics team attended a match in Winneconne that same day, with two individuals (Jack Henry and Jack DeMenter) breaking to the state competition sometime later.

Sports Update includes a recap of Friday’s Boys Basketball game by player Luke Jung, and Saturday’s State JV match by new State Champion Kaden Roth. This week’s sports schedule is stacked, with powerlifters Emma Donahue and Dominic Corrente giving the specifics of the lifting meet that Neenah hosts this Saturday.

Drama Club’s Winter Play, Eurydice, is well underway, and Senior Emma Cartwright gives some specifics about its storyline and what it means to be a member of the drama club.

Eco Club’s Trivia Night will be held the week of Winterfest (2nd week of February), but they ask students to start thinking about putting together teams now and submitting forms to the office.

Weather this week will see highs below freezing with precipitation on Friday.

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