Singers Roar at Choral Festival

February 15, 2023

It has been three years since all Neenah Choir Groups had a concert in the same place together.  In an hourlong event, all singers in grades 7-12 took Pickard Stage to entertain a large audience to songs of varying genres and styles.  The balcony remained open throughout the show to accommodate an increased load of spectators; students took turns sitting there and in the furthest rows of the main floor when they were not singing.

Jon Rieger at the Choral Festival on Feb. 14.

Senior Jon Rieger, a member of the Advanced Chamber Choir, praised the efforts of the groups as well as the audience who came to see it.

“I think tonight’s concert went really well, all the choirs sounded really in sync, and other dynamics were really good.  Everybody had good memorization throughout the pieces and overall having the middle school here was a lot of fun.  It was a great concert for everybody,” Rieger said.

His personal favorite was the second song performed by the Concert Choir because it sounded like a professional-level men’s choir.

“The turnout was actually really good, it was a little bit more packed than what a normal high school choir is used to just because of the middle school being here. But it was a lot of fun having a more full crowd, having audience members up in the balcony, it felt more real,” Rieger added.



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