Letter To The Editor: Benefits of a Foul Tongue

Dear Editor:

No matter its label — obscenity to nasty words — cursing is viewed negatively and is said to not belong in school.  Is this old school thinking still appropriate in today’s modern schools? Cursing is a simple vibration producing a sound, which may offend. Often this is viewed as disrespectful in this setting.  Cursing is defined as the use of offensive language.  Many of these words alone are purely taboo; therefore, use of them in combination guarantees offending others.  With improper handling or wrongful use, words can harm; thus, many overlook the medical benefits associated with the use of a foul tongue.

Often throughout life you may hear, someone who should not, curse and it is the results of strong emotion, similar to cursing in general. Swearing can accomplish something leading in the right direction, and it should not be halted because of age old traditions and views. Degrading and disrespecting anyone in any environment is unacceptable, but a release of a quick vibration from a student, which is not aimed to do either and should be handled better.

The effects of swearing can be negative, but many positive benefits improve school attitudes and reduce student stress. Swearing is the responsive to intense emotion according to researcher Ad Vingerhoerts, a Dutch scientist who wrote a “Biopsychocial Perspective” entry in the Encyclopedia of Pain on swearing. The catharsis effect of swearing is the reduction of stress or “blowing off steam” effect used, instead of physical release that could be destruction of property and can saves schools from having to repair damage from an outburst. Secondly, swearing serves as a signal to an intense emotion to those around signaling possible anger distress or intense happiness or humor. If a student hears another student angrily swearing it will serve as a warning versus dealing with a possible confrontation resulting in less fights and disturbances relieving even more stress from the alumni and students. Even cursing conservatively allows students to endure stress and even physical longer by simply swearing occasionally but with over use, the effect has less and less of an impact according to Jessica Love in The American Scholar.

Swearing is still viewed as negative and degrading, but it also serves alternative purposes such as pain and stress relief and could benefit school and even save money potentially, if students are allowed to swear sparingly. Disrespect and degrading behavior should never be accepted and handled appropriately, but when a student has a natural reaction to intense emotion should they really be punished for it?

Cody Wienandt, senior