• May 14Tuesday, May 14 Baseball - Home vs. Kaukauna, 4:30 p.m.
  • May 13Monday, May 13 Middle School Grades 7/8 Concert, 7:30 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
  • May 13Monday, May 13 Middle School Grade 5/Grade 6 Magnet Concert, 6 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


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The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School




2024 Journalism & Satellite Members

The Satellite is Neenah High School’s student-produced online newspaper. Mrs. Beth Plankey, a journalism teacher at NHS since 1993, advises the paper. The newspaper took shape in the ‘70s as The Cub, evolved into the Satellite, and was published in print format until 2000 when the paper moved entirely online.

NHS is considered a large school with approximately 1,877 students in grades 9-12. The Satellite is developed outside of the classroom. Students in the Composition for Journalistic Publications class contribute articles during the one-semester course, however, the class is not a prerequisite. Any student may join the Satellite.

The Satellite has been a registered member of the Northeastern Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association (NEWSPA) since 1993.  NEWSPA is a thriving program for high school journalists.  Satellite members attend its spring conference, where more than 400 students participate in over 40 sessions and panels led by professionals in the field of journalism.  NEWSPA continues to evolve in its preparation of students for the journalism world.  The Satellite staff participates in NEWSPA’s writing and photography competitions.

The Satellite is an award-winning newspaper. At the 2024 Northeastern Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association (NEWSPA) Awards, the Satellite earned 52 awards, including blue-ribbon honors for online publication.  Adviser Mrs. Beth Plankey was presented an award from UW-Oshkosh Department of Journalism professor Kristine Nicolini; for her years of service to the UWO’s Board of Directors.  Each student took home individual awards, of which the Co-editors could not be more proud.

Current Editors: Ava Yoblonski & Jack Morrissey with Adviser Mrs. Plankey (Photo by: Morgan Grosek)
Group Awaiting First Session (Photo by: Ava Yoblonski)









2024 Awards:


Stories that Inspire Potential Change

4 Place: Cole Johnson & Carter Epley

5 Place: Will Radies

Academic/Class Related News Story

Honorable Mention: Annika Searles

Honorable Mention: Chloe Sieman

News Story Sports

5 Place: Marrissa Deruso

Feature Story – Entertaining

3 Place: Elise Hendrickson

Honorable Mention: Jack Morrissey

Feature Story – News Based

Honorable Mention: Reese Martin

Feature Story – Sports

Honorable Mention: Will Radies & Kayla Rodriguez


2 Place: Kayla Rodriguez

3 Place: Satellite Staff

Column – Humourous 

2 Place: Elise Hendrickson

3 Place: Chloe Sieman

Column – Serious

3 Place: Sarah Hoffman

Honorable Mention: Annika Searles

Column – Sports

2 Place: Charlie Wunderlich


1 Place: Owen Blenker

In-Depth Reporting I

1 Place: Foreign Exchange Profiles by students of journalism

2 Place: Will Radies & Justin Janssen



1 Place: Ava Yoblonski

2 Place: Ava Yoblonski

Editorial Cartoons 

1 Place: Riley Goodson

Comic Strips

2 Place: Ava Yoblonski


2 Place: Ava Yoblonski

3 Place: Jack Morrissey

Page Design Layout

4 Place: Ava Yoblonski

Honorable Mention: Ava Yoblonski

Photo Illustration

1 Place: Brianna Ankerson

2 Place: Nigel Thao


1 Place: Kaitlyn Spilski

4 Place: Brianna Ankerson


News Photo

4 Place: Kaitlyn Spilski

5 Place: Morgan Grosek

Feature Photo

5 Place: Justin Janssen

Honorable Mention: Elise Hendrickson

Essay & Series Photo

2 Place: Morgan Grosek

3 Place: Morgan Grosek

Open Photo

3 Place: Ava Yoblonski


1 Place: Ben Mainville & Liam Sieck

2 Place: Corbann Ducommun & Jake Kachur


2 Place: Carter Epley

5 Place: Ava Yoblonski


1 Place: Kaitlyn Spilski


Site Design

2 Place: Ava Yoblonski & Jack Morrissey

Social Media

1 Place: Ava Yoblonski for Instagram

3 Place: Satellite Staff for X

News Video

2 Place: Fiona & Elise Hendrickson

4 Place: Ava Yoblonski

Feature Videos

1 Place: Grace Brazee & Owen Blenker

Sport Video

1 Place: Ava Yoblonski


1 Place: Hayden Ahlswede

Large School Not in Class

Blue Ribbon Honors: Neenah Satellite


Left to Right: Jack Morrissey, Marissa Derouso, Hayden Ahlswede, Elaina Plankey, Mrs. Plankey, Easton Rice, Robert Barthell


The Satellite is an award-winning newspaper. At the 2023 Northeastern Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association (NEWSPA) Awards, the Satellite earned 77 awards, including 19 blue-ribbon Honors.  Adviser Mrs. Beth Plankey presented the Skip Zacher Friend of Scholastic Journalism Award to UW-Oshkosh Department of Journalism professor Kristine Nicolini.

2023 Awards:

Photo by: Ava Yoblonski
Photo by: Ava Yoblonski










Large School Stories that Inspire Potential Change Third Place: Ella Mainville

Large School Stories that Inspire Potential Change Fourth Place: Elisa Hein

Large School Stories that Inspire Potential Change Fifth Place: Robert Barthell & Elaina Plankey

Large School News Story – General Second Place: Easton Rice & Elaina Plankey

Large School News Story – General Third Place: Ryan Foucault

Large School News Story – General Fourth Place: Robert Barthell

Large School News Story – Academic/Class Related Fifth Place: Chloe Loberg

Large School News Story – Academic/Class Related Honorable Mention: Maddie Van Zeeland

Large School News Story – Sports Third Place: Robert Barthell

Large School News Story – Sports Fifth Place: Robert Barthell

Large School News Story – Sports Honorable Mention: Robert Barthell

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Fourth Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Fifth Place: Ella Mainville

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Honorable Mention: Lindsey Jones

Large School Feature Story – Personality Profile Third Place: Maddie Van Zeeland & Brenden Selch

Large School Feature Story – News Based Third Place: Elisa Hein

Large School Feature Story – News Based Fourth Place: Brenden Selch

Large School Feature Story – News Based Fifth Place: Sierra Luebke

Large School Feature Story – Sports Fourth Place: Drew Gentile

Large School Feature Story – Sports Fifth Place: Morgan Feltz

Large School Feature Story – Sports Honorable Mention: Maddie Van Zeeland

Large School Editorial Second: Drew Gentile

Large School Editorial Third: Zack Kramp

Large School Editorial Honorable Mention: Anna Faulk

Large School Column – Humorous First Place: Ella Mainville

Large School Column – Serious Fourth Place: Lindsey Jones

Large School Column – Serious Honorable Mention: Elaina Plankey

Large School Column – Sports First Place: Ryan Foucault

Large School Column – Sports Second Place: Josh Armstrong

Large School Column – Sports Third Place: Preston Schamens

Large School Review Third Place: Chloe Loberg

Large School Review Fourth Place: Ana Sofia O. Pavao

Large School In-Depth Reporting I Third Place: Mari Derouso

Large School In-Depth Reporting I Fourth Place:  Brendan Selch & Preston Schamens

Large School In-Depth Reporting I Fifth Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Third Place: Satellite Staff

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Honorable Mention: Satellite Staff

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Honorable Mention: Satellite Staff


Large School Advertisements First Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Advertisements Second Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Editorial Cartoons Second Place: Leo Brewster

Large School Illustration Second Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Illustration Third Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Page Design Layout First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Page Design Layout Third Place: Mari Derouso & Elaina Plankey

Large School Logo Design First Place: Jack Morrissey

Large School Infographics First Place: Sierra Luepke

Large School Infographics Second Place: Drew Gentile, Layton Brandt & Josh Armstrong

Large School Infographics Fourth Place: Elaina Plankey


Large School News Photo First Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Sports Photo Second Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Feature Photo Fourth Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Essay and Series Photo First Place: Elaina Plankey, Emmalee Verbrick, Morgan Grosek & Jack Morrissey

Large School Essay and Series Photo Second Place: Elaina Plankey, Hayden Ahlswede, Robert Barthell & Morgan Grosek

Large School Open Photo First Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Open Photo Third Place: Maddie Van Zeeland

Large School Open Photo Fifth Place: Robert Barthell


Large School Photographs/Graphics First Place: Jack Morrissey

Large School Photographs/Graphics Second Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Site Design First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media First Place Twitter: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media First Place Instagram: Sage Kirklewski

Large School Multimedia First Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Multimedia Second Place: Satellite Staff

Large School News Video First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Features Video First Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Sports Video First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Q & A First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Q & A Second Place: Ana Sofia O. Pavao & Lindsey Jones

Large School Q & A Third Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Podcast First Place: Leo Brewster

Large School Podcast Second Place: Orla McCannon

Large School Podcast Third Place: Shaylee Hartell

Large School Website Publication Published Through a Journalism Class Second Place: Satellite Staff

2022 Awards:

Large School News Story – General Fourth Place: Olly Dungan & Ava Krema

Large School News Story – Academic/Class Related Second Place: Amanda Pierron

Large School News Story – Academic/Class Related Fourth Place: Anna Jamroz & Allie Galligan

Large School News Story – Sports Third Place: Bruce Argall & Isaiah Balassi

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Second Place: Will Ranger

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Fourth Place: Braiden Blank

Large School Feature Story – Personality Profile Third Place: Olly Dungan

Large School Feature Story – Personality Profile Fifth Place: Ava Krema & Maddie Keeley

Large School Feature Story – News Based First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Feature Story – News Based Third Place: Maddie Keeley

Large School Feature Story – Sports Fifth Place: Anna Jamroz & Allie Galligan

Large School Editorial First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Column – Humorous Second Place: Olly Dungan

Large School Column – Humorous Third Place: Gavin McClowry

Large School Column – Humorous Fourth Place: Caleb Youngwerth

Large School Column – Sports First Place: Bruce Argall

Large School Column – Sports Second Place: Isaiah Balassi & Chevalier “Ice” Emery

Large School Review Honorable Mention: Frank Whiting

Large School In-Depth Reporting 1 Fourth Place: Frank Whiting & Cole Tauscher

Large School In-Depth Reporting 1 Fifth Place: Braiden Blank, Caleb Youngwerth, & Adriana Laughrin

Large School In-Depth Reporting 2 Third Place: Elaina Plankey, Ashlyn Jacobs & Robert Barthell

Large School In-Depth Reporting 2 Fifth Place: Bruce Argall, Elaina Plankey, Ashlyn Jacobs & Abi Wise

Large School Advertisements First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Advertisements First Place: Abi Wise

Large School Editorial Cartoons Second Place: Liz Oakland

Large School Illustration Honorable Mention: Abi Wise

Large School  Photo Illustration First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Logo Design First Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Logo Design Second Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Infographics First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Infographics Fifth Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School News Photo Fourth Place: Owen Holecko

Large School Feature Photo Third Place: Will Ranger

Large School Feature Photo Fifth Place: Adrina Laughrin

Large School Essay & Series Photo First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Essay & Series Photo Third Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School Open Photo First Place: Ava Krema

Large School Website Writing First Place: George Eastman-Kiesow & Bruce Argall

Large School Website Writing Second Place: Caleb Youngwerth & Braiden Blank

Large School Website Writing Third Place: Owen Holecko & Nate Jahner

Large School Website Graphics First Place: Owen Holecko & Nate Jahner

Large School Website Graphics Second Place: Adriana Laughrin & Gavin McClowry

Large School Site Design First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media Twitter First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media Instagram First Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School Multimedia Package First Place: Robert Barthell, Owen Holecko, Elaina Plankey, & Lauren Sturgell

Large School Multimedia Package Second Place: Ashlyn Jacobs, Christian Kriegl, Elaina Plankey

Large School News Video First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Features Video First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Features Video Third Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Q & A First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Q & A Second Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Q & A Third Place: Olly Dungan

Large School Website Publication Published Through a Journalism Class Third Place: Satellite Staff


2021 Awards:

Large School News Story – Sports Fourth Place: Elliana King

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Fourth Place: Madison Gafner

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Fifth Place: Evan Piechocki

Large School Feature Story – Personality Profile Honorable Mention: Colin McClowry

Large School Feature Story – Sports Second Place: Evan Piechocki & Peyton Phelps

Large School Feature Story – Sports Third Place: Colin McClowry

Large School Editorial First Place: Stephen Soderberg

Large School Editorial Second Place: Marissa Myska

Large School Column – Humorous First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Review Third Place: Abi Wise

Large School Review Fifth Place: Rachel Jones

Large School Advertisements First Place: Abi Wise

Large School Advertisements Second Place: Abi Wise

Large School Advertisements Third Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Editorial Cartoons First Place: Liz Oakland

Large School Editorial Cartoons Third Place: Abi Wise

Large School Comic Strips First Place: Owen Blenker

Large School Illustration Second Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Logo Design First Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Infographics Third Place: Abi Wise

Large School Infographics Fifth Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School News Photo Second Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School News Photo Third Place: Abi Wise

Large School Feature Photo Second Place: Elliana King

Large School Feature Photo Third Place: Syri Brandt

Large School Feature Photo Honorable Mention: Evan Piechocki

Large School Essay & Series Photo First Place: Annika Strasman

Large School Essay & Series Photo Second Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School Essay & Series Photo Third Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Open Photo First Place: Syri Brandt

Large School Open Photo Second Place: Abi Wise

Large School Open Photo Third Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Website Writing First Place: Abi Wise

Large School Website Graphics First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Website Graphics Second Place: Rachel Jones & Jacob Lind

Large School Website Graphics Third Place: Jacob Lind

Large School Site Design Fourth Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media Instagram First Place: Elaina Plankey & Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Social Media Twitter First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Multimedia Package First Place: Emlyn Swardenski, Abi Wise, Lauren Sturgell & Robert Barthell

Large School News Video First Place: Robert Barthell

Large School News Video Third Place: Robert Barthell

Large School Features Video Third Place: Blake Gruett

Large School Features Video Fourth Place: Blake Gruett

Large School Website Publication Not Published Through a Journalism Class First Place: Satellite Staff


2020 Awards:

Large School News Story – General Third Place: Jordan Van Domelen

Large School News Story – Academic Third Place: Collin Parker

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Fifth Place: Kya Meunier

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Honorable Mention: Tyler Schraven

Large School Feature Story – Personality Profile Honorable Mention: Emily Stingle and Kya Meunier

Large School Feature Story – News Based First Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Feature Story – Sports Fifth Place: Evan Krook

Large School Editorial Fourth Place: Kara Cowell

Large School Column – Humorous First Place: Ethan Krueger

Large School Column – Humorous Second Place: Ashlyn Jacobs

Large School Column – Humorous Fourth Place: Kiana Valeri

Large School Column – Sports First Place: Evan Krook

Large School Column – Sports Third Place: Will Foucalt

Large School Column – Sports Fourth Place: Jack Carlson

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Second Place: Satellite Staff

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Third Place: Satellite Staff

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Fifth Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Advertisement First Place: Abi Wise

Large School Advertisement Fifth Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Advertisement Honorable Mention: Abi Wise

Large School Editorial Cartoon Second Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Editorial Cartoon Fourth Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Editorial Cartoon Honorable Mention: Liz Oakland

Large School Comic Strip Third Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Comic Strip Fourth Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Comic Strip Honorable Mention: Liz Oakland

Large School Illustration Second Place: Liz Oakland

Large School Illustration Fourth Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Logo Design First Place: Lauren Miller

Large School Logo Design Second Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Logo Design Third Place: Emlyn Swardenski

Large School Infographic First Place: Abi Wise

Large School Infographic Third Place: Abi Wise

Large School Infographic Fourth Place: Paris Schafer and Oli Balke

Large School Sports Photo Honorable Mention: Kendall Retzki

Large School Feature Photo Honorable Mention: Rhieley Mulder

Large School Essay and Series Photo First Place: Emily Stingle

Large School Essay and Series Photo Third Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School Essay and Series Photo Fourth Place: Molly Ellmann

Large School Writing First Place: Collin Parker

Large School Writing Third Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School Photographs/Graphics First Place: Madison Pedersen

Large School Photographs/Graphics Second Place: Lauren Sturgell

Large School Photographs/Graphics Third Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Site Design Second Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Social Media Second Place: Ashlyn Jacobs and Tori Rondeau

Large School Multimedia First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Multimedia Third Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Multimedia Fourth Place: Satellite Staff

Large School News Video First Place: Robert Barthell and Jason Fisher

Large School News Video Second Place: Ashlyn Jacobs and Elaina Plankey

Large School News Video Third Place: Elaina Plankey

Large School Website Publication Not Published Through a Journalism Class Third Place: Satellite Staff


2019 Awards:

Large School Column – Sports Second Place: Frank Slavinsky

Large School Column – Serious First Place: Sammy Meverden

Large School Column – Serious Honorable Mention: Josie Cleveland

Large School Column – Humorous First Place:  Emilee Wise

Large School Column – Humorous Honorable Mention: Ally Poss

Large School In-Depth Reporting II Honorable Mention: Ally Poss and Jason Fisher

Large School News Story – Academic Honorable Mention: Josie Cleveland

Large School Review Second Place: Bella Mullally

Large School Comic Strip Second Place: Emilee Wise

Large School Comic Strip Third Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Comic Strip Fourth Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Editorial Honorable Mention: Pippa Austin

Large School Advertisement Third Place: Joshua Sturgell

Large School Advertisement Third Place: Joshua Sturgell

Large School Illustration Second Place: Emilee Wise

Large School Logo Design Second Place: Abi Wise

Large School Infographic First Place: Abi Wise

Large School Photo Essay Series First Place: Claire Bruder

Large School Feature & Open Photo First Place: Sammy Meverden

Large School Feature & Open Photo Honorable Mention: Claire Bruder

Large School News Photo Honorable Mention: Emilee Wise

Large School Photo Graphic First Place: Olivia LeMay

Large School Photo Graphic Second Place: Emilee Wise

Large School Photo Graphic Third Place: Olivia LeMay

Large School Video Division First Place: Emha “Fudhol” Ismaulidin

Large School Video Division Second Place: Students of Journalism

Large School Video Division Third Place: Evan Miracle & Solon Ramos

Large School Site Design First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Writing Honorable Mention: Drew Karle

Large School Website Publication Not Published Through a Journalism Class First Place: Satellite Staff


2018 Awards:

Large School News Story – Academic Second Place: Jason Fisher

Large School News Story – Sports Fourth Place: Paige Novachek

Large School Feature Story – Profile Honorary Mention: Alyssa Remme and Emily Manteufel

Large School Column – Humorous First Place: Emilee Wise

Large School Column – Serious Second Place: Emily Roberts

Large School Column – Serious Fourth Place: Mary Sollitto

Large School Column – Sports First Place: Ben Makowski

Large School Column – Sports Honorary Mention: Frank Slavinsky

Large School Advertisement First Place: Andrew Merfeld

Large School Advertisement Second Place: Andrew Merfeld

Large School Advertisement Fourth Place: Emily Roberts

Large School Editorial Cartoon Honorary Mention: Pippa Austin

Large School Comic Strip First Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Comic Strip Second Place: Pippa Austin

Large School Illustration First Place: Noelle Helms

Large School Illustration Third Place: Noelle Helms

Large School Logo Design Second Place: Jerzey Popp

Large School Infographic Second Place: Jacob Theisen

Large School News Photo Honorary Mention: Zakary Will

Large School Sports Photo Second Place: Frank Slavinsky

Large School Feature Photo First Place: Jacob Theisen

Large School Feature Photo Fourth Place: Claire Bruder

Large School Essay and Series Photos First Place: Claire Bruder

Large School Essay and Series Photos Second Place: Jacob Theisen

Large School Essay and Series Photos Third Place: Frank Slavinsky

Large School Open Photo Fourth Place: Luke Hameister

Large School Open Photo Honorary Mention: Keaton Calcaterra

Large School Student Developed Website, Writing First Place: Emily Roberts

Large School Student Developed Website, Writing Second Place: Mary Sollitto

Large School Student Developed Website, Writing Third Place: Luke Hameister

Large School Graphics Second Place: Jerzey Popp

Large School Site Design First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Video First Place: John Zwick

Large School Video Second Place: John Zwick

Large School Video Third Place: John Zwick

Large School Website Publication Not Published Through a Journalism Class Third Place: Satellite Staff


2017 Awards:

Large School News Story – Academic Fourth Place: Cel Krause

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining First Place: Ike Miller

Large School Feature Story – Entertaining Honorary Mention: Annie Stubing

Large School Feature Story – Profile Honorary Mention: Basil Eastman-Kiesow and John Zwick

Large School Column – Humorous First Place: Charley Hrobsky

Large School Column – Sports First Place: Hope DeShaney

Large School Column – Sports Third Place: Frank Slavinsky

Large School Advertisement Second Place: Andrew Merfeld

Large School Editorial Cartoon Second Place: Alicia Orlando

Large School Infographic Third Place: Kiara Vanden Langenberg

Large School News Photo First Place: Kiara Vanden Langenberg

Large School Sports Photo Third Place: Frank Slavinsky

Large School Photo Essay and Series Second Place: Ksenya Seager

Large School Open Photo Second Place: Ksenya Seager

Large School Student-Developed Website, Writing Third Place: BaJie Vang

Large School Student-Developed Website, Writing Honorary Mention: Charley Hrobsky

Large School Student-Developed Website, Photo Second Place: Ava Dieck

Large School Student-Developed Website, Photo Third Place: Ellie Callahan

Large School Video News Story First, Second, and Third Place: Marissa Hart

Large School Site Design First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Website Publication Not Published Through a Journalism Class First Place: Satellite Staff

Pulitzer Prize Tradition Winner Third Place: Rachel Terry


2016 Awards:

Large School Column – Humorous First Place: Madeline Terlap

Large School Column – Sports Second Place: Paige Helgerson

Large School Review Second Place: Nick Morrisey

Large School Advertisement Third Place: Emma Fuhrman

Large School Editorial Cartoon Second Place: Alicia Orlando

Large School Comic Strip First Place: Alicia Orlando

Large School Illustration Second Place: Madeline Terlap

Large School Logo Design Second Place: Madeline Terlap

Large School Infographic First Place: Kiara Vanden Langenberg

Large School Essay and Series Photo First Place: Ksenya Seager

Large School Open Photo First Place: Ksenya Seager

Large School Writing Third Place: Charley Hrobsky

Large School Site Design First Place: Satellite Staff

Large School Website Not Published Through a Journalism Class Red Ribbon Honors: Satellite Staff


2015 Awards:

Large School Review Blue Ribbon Honors: Crystal Redemann

Large School Review White Ribbon Honors: Charley Hrobesky

Large School Editorial Cartoons Red Ribbon Honors: Alicia Orlando

Large School Essay and Photos White Ribbon Honors: Kaylie Gilliland

Large School Infographic Blue Ribbon Honors: Addie Zwick

Large School Open Photo White Ribbon Honors: Ksenya Seager

Student Developed Website Division Large School Writing White Ribbon Honors: Maddie Terlap

Student Developed Website Division Large School Photographics/Graphics Blue Ribbon Honors: Alivia Coon

Student Developed Website Division Large School Site Design Blue Ribbon Honors: Satellite Staff

Website not published through journalism class Large School White Ribbon Honors: Satellite Staff