Foreign exchange students experience first Thanksgiving feast
November 24, 2014
By: Reporter Megan Altekruse
Thursday, Nov. 27 will be the foreign exchange students first Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving will be a new experience on Thursday for the foreign exchange students at NHS.
“I’ve seen lots of movies about Thanksgiving, but I don’t really know what it will be like,” junior Ann Ramishvilli from Georgia said with her excitement to experience this holiday evident in her voice.
She said that she plans to relax and spend the whole day at home cooking with her host family. The only thing they all expect is really good food so the bar has been set high for their first Thanksgiving.
In comparison to other holidays, Thanksgiving is a bit of an odd holiday. The only holiday somewhat similar is a day in Georgia where people give thanks and ask for forgiveness, but it is not as important of a holiday as Thanksgiving is to Americans.
As far as what to expect, Thanksgiving is a mystery to foreign exchange students Sonja Rudel, Tanya Lazorko, Inka Laina and Yufei Zhang.
The comforting food is what most Americans look forward to the most. Yufei Zhang eagerly said she was excited for mashed potatoes and gravy while Ann Ramishvilli has her eye on the turkey and will finish the holiday with her first taste of classic American pumpkin pie. Some traditional holiday dishes that will be missed by the foreign exchange students include: Chinese noodles and dumplings, Georgian chicken covered in a nut sauce, and Kutya which is a traditional Ukrainian Christmas dish.
As an end to their relaxing day, both Zhang and Ramishvilli said they would definitely go Black Friday shopping, taking part in a real American tradition.