Humans of NHS – Maddie Schafer


“There is so much about high school that could be changed, like cliques, but that can’t really be controlled. High school is when I became individualized and when I started saying ‘I don’t care what people think of me.’ They are not gonna matter in four years, so I guess high school is when I was like, ‘yeah, I’m gonna be myself.’ I’m gonna go into engineering, not because I am a girl, but because it is what I want to do. I don’t care if people are like, ‘you can’t do that,’ or if teachers put me down. I don’t care what you think if you’re going to be negative.” – Maddie Schafer, senior


The engineering academy has helped me break out of my shell and find my true passion. I wasn’t afraid to go against the odds and good opportunities came from it.” – Maddie Schafer, senior