Friday Night Highlights: Rockets Lose at Kimberly
Kimberly tacks another win onto their, now, 62 game win streak.
Photo by: Frank Slavinsky
Our own Neenah Rockets huddle up before taking the field for the second half.
Kimberly narrowly beat Neenah at Papermaker Stadium this past Friday. While the game was hard fought, Kimberly scored 15 to the Rockets 8 points. While Neenah led 8-7 for the majority of the game, Kimberly was able to score a final touchdown and two-point conversion minutes before the end of the fourth quarter. A big congratulations to all of the players, students, fans, and parents in attendance for this monumental showdown. The season is far from over, however, two regular season games have yet to be played, in addition to the post season playoffs. This upcoming Friday the Rockets take on the Hortonville Polar Bears at Rocket Stadium for Homecoming. If the Rockets do well the next two games, Rockets can be sure to meet Kimberly again on the road to the state championship.
To see photos from the game, click here.