Administration Shares Target-Based Grading Polls

Graphic from America’s Voice

Jacob Theisen, Staff Writer

Administration polled students to determine their opinions about target-based grading as first semester comes to a close.

This five-question poll, which 1,049 students took, was aimed to interact with students views on the implementation of the new grading system. Although target-based grading is not presumed to be fully in place until the school year of 2019-2020, many teachers are already switching to the new system.

With the news of the progress, the administration wanted to follow up with students. The administration realizes that the transition will be hard, but engagement is the key to a smooth and efficient transition.

Based on the statistics of the five questions, the results are positive. Overall students feel comfortable in the transition to target-based grading. Most said that they somewhat or very much understand the different aspects of TBG in their classrooms environment.

“In some of my classes the targets are very clear but others are not. I would definitely have to say that I do understand the targets and expectations in my classes so much more compared to when Target Based Grading was first introduced this fall,” senior Abbey Herb said.  

Students respond affirmatively to the question, “In my classes, I am aware of the learning targets each day.”



The administration cannot stress enough: Target-Based Grading will provide students with the necessary feedback and organization for their education.



“This system will teach kids to seek out feedback and will also allow them to learn their skills. We hope that target- based grading will engage students in the grading system. We want students to understand what grade they got, how their grades were formed and how they can improve their skills for their own success,”  Associate Principal Mr. Chad Buboltz said.


Looking forward, the next step in the switch to target-based grading will be to align grading standards among 6th to 12th grade. This will allow students to graduate to the next level of education flawlessly. With aligned standards, students will be able to know the expectations and standards upon the start of their first day.



Below are more results from the administration’s poll:







As this sampling of polls suggests, the administration continues to solicit feedback and learn from students, parents, and faculty. It can be inferred that more polls and data collected from students in the future, will allow administration to have a well-rounded source of data to base its decisions on when moving forward. The implementation of target-based grading is scheduled for the school year of 2019-2020.