The Link Project Revealed

Alise Van Dyke and Natalie Flom, Freshman.

Jacob Theisen, Staff Writer

During the past few weeks, many students have stopped and pondered over the making of the “link project” because the vibrant colors and various patterns are different and exciting to see.

Mrs. Emma Santiago’s and Mrs. Lisa Dorschner’s Interior Design Classes are teaming up with Mr. Travis McDonough’s shop classes to create new learning zones that are comfortable but yet functional for NHS students. The two areas are drafted after safari and garden-inspired designs.  

“Mr. McDonough’s class was working on creating new seating for students, but he was bored with the plain white background. He then reached out to the two interior design classes for our inspiration. Together we decided on creating new seating areas in the link for students to relax and work together,” Santiago said.  

The final product is going to be a cohesive piece that consists of a mural painted on the walls, handcrafted wooden planters, benches, tables, and authentic canvas painting designed by students. The two new areas in the link are expected to be completed in the next coming weeks. All three classes are working hard to get the project completed by the end of the year. In addition to this year’s garden and safari spaces, Santiago and Dorschner are planning to keep their ideas flowing for many years to come. They plan on renovating and updating small parts around the school every semester, with the aid of their interior design classes.

“This is very exciting! I and a lot of my other friends in my interior design class have put so much time and hard work into this project. I feel like I am leaving my legacy at NHS even if its as simple as painting this wall right in front of me,” Aliyah Fofana, Senior said.

Many students are excited about the changes that they are seeing. The renovations are sparking creativity, fun, and positive attitudes all around campus.

“I can’t wait to see where and what else we will design around NHS. It amazing to watch students have fun and work really hard together on something that they are passionate about. Our classes are designing positive spaces for students, by the students. After all, they know what they like,” Santiago admitted with a smile.