Camp Onaway Hosts Summer Camp Opportunities

If interested in signing up or learning more about Camp Onaway go to the official Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade website.
April 15, 2019
Planning and discussions of summer camps and programs are starting to come about with the change of seasons, getting local campers excited already. Who are these campers? These campers are apart of the The Boys’ & Girls’ Brigade program, located right here in Neenah.
The main municipal building located at 109 W. Columbian Ave., is not where all the action takes place; all the campers are excited about a different location, Camp Onaway.
This camp has a particularly intriguing feature about it that not many other summer camps could claim; it is located on a private 6.5 acre island out on the Chain O’ Lakes over in Waupaca.
Onaway has a little bit of something for everybody over the course of the year, hosting many camps that range from an introduction camp for 5th graders called anchor camp, to Leadership Training Conference, or as many refer to it, LTC.
The main attraction of Camp Onaway, however, is the main brigade Boys’ and Girls’ camps that take place over the main months of the summer starting June 22 through August 16.
The Boys’ and Girls’ camps are divided up into seven parts, from first boys’ and girls’ camp to last, the list goes as such: Boys’ Camp 2, Girls’ Camp 1, Boys’ Camp 3, Girl’s Camp 2, Boys’ Camp 4, Girls’ Camp 3 and Girls’ Camp 4.
“Campers almost never get bored at Onaway,” according to Logan Cardoza. “There is always something new to do and see.”
According to the Official Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade website, many activities exist for a camper such as: swimming, canoeing, water skiing, windsurfing, wake boarding, sailing, campfires, tournaments, crafts, volleyball, basketball, fishing, a low and high ropes challenge course and much more.
This camp is popular in the Fox Valley, so make sure to sign up quickly if interested, as of now only Boys’ Camp 3 and Boys’ Camp 4 are full.
For a regular brigade member to go to camp, there is a registration fee of $320, for any non-members of the brigade it is $420. If interested in signing up or learning more about Camp Onaway go to the official Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade website.
Maddie Nail • Apr 23, 2019 at 11:01 AM
I like this article because I go to Onaway every year myself, and I think all the details about the camp and what it’s about were captured accurately. I hope this attracts more people to the camp because I think it’s something everybody should know about!
Vanessa Underhill • Apr 22, 2019 at 2:10 PM
Having participated in Brigade for the past seven years and camp for the past six, I can vouch that going to camp is worth your time. Onaway helps build leadership skills and create timeless memories. You are bound to have a great experience regardless of if you have attended before or not.