Review of Streaming Service: Baby Yoda has Bounty on Disney+
Photo by: Logan Laabs
December 27, 2019
Flashback! We all remember Kim Possible, That’s So Raven, and classic Disney shows like The Even Stevens. Well, up until Nov. 12, Disney fans were awaiting these shows and the new streaming service named Disney+ (Plus). Costing only $6.99 for a monthly subscription, Disney+ provides movies and shows from Disney Channel, the Marvel universe (not including Netflix originals), Lucasfilms (Star Wars), PIXAR, and National Geographic. The day of launch around 9 a.m., Disney had multiple confused individuals unable to watch their favorite show or movie because of technical difficulties. According to The New York Times, “The problem, which Disney blamed on demand, appeared to affect multiple platforms, with users on Twitter posting screenshots of error images on iPhones and complaining of issues on Android and Amazon Fire devices.” But when there is bad, there is always good.
Disney+ adds our favorite Walt Disney movies/show into a singular streaming service. Like services such as Netflix, Disney+ allows its subscribers to download seasons of their favorite show or even their movie without these downloads expiring. Not only does Disney+ include this effect, but people also question how many users are allowed on an account? Journalist Nick Cole from lists that “Disney+ subscribers will be able to: Stream on as many as four devices at once, set up as many as seven user accounts within one subscription, and make unlimited downloaded content available for offline consumption on up to 10 devices.” This gives Netflix a shove to the back of the neck considering Netflix only allows seven devices to have the app downloaded allowing only five accounts to be on the device.
Finding cons to Disney+ is not as people may think, but that does not mean there are not any. From what is seen on the app, “Disney+ lacks a lot of Marvel content,” says reporter Matt Singer from ScreenCrush. Netflix still introduces more Marvel originals than Disney does such as Jessica Jones and the popular original Daredevil. Yes, Netflix is encouraging to new film/show creators and delivers multiple opportunities, but Netflix’s size and business model makes it look particularly vulnerable to Disney’s new challenge.
Overall, Disney+ is an emotional appeal to the public and is affordable of use for such a high bounty. With great feelings toward this streaming service critics say Disney+ will last long with the fate of Baby Yoda in our hands.