Humans of NHS – Lukas Schmerse
Photo by: Maddie Keeley
Lukas Schmerse, class of 2022
September 14, 2021
“Not being able to be here last year definitely has been the biggest challenge since I started at NHS, which seemed like it took up half of my high school experience. I was first a freshman. Sophomore year rushed by. I was a junior for a little while, and now I’m a senior. It all went by very fast to me; I’m already preparing for the rest of my life. After high school, I plan on going to college, hopefully being able to major in creative writing. I’d like to end up as a comic book writer. Although the scary part about my future is being on my own and having to figure things out alone, it’s also what excites me the most about it. It’s being able to create my own schedule that I look forward to.” ― Lukas Schmerse, class of 2022