NHS Alum Turns Pro
Photo by: Enrique Gonzalez
Jonah runs to his spot on the paintball field. One goal in mind — to win.
October 11, 2021
Neenah alumni, Jonah Jamoz, steps out onto a professional paintball field four years post-graduation. Anticipation stirs inside him. The want, the need and the drive of competition fuels him for success.
After struggling to figure out his worthiness on the field, he grasps for smaller goals — his stepping stones. The hunger and drive to finish goals coaxes him out of his comfort zone.
Inspiration is found in motivational speaker Zig Ziglar’s compelling words: “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
Looking back on experiences, he reflects on his growth.
Pushing back a ranking to anticipate triumph in the future for his newfound team, he finds himself worried that he lacks growth.
The venue: World Cup — the biggest paintball tournament in the nation. Countries from every part of the world attend. Jonah and his teammates sit at the bottom.
Jonah perseveres, rejecting all negativity that floods his mind. Already pushed back from his semi-pro ranking to D2, he is contemplating his worth on the team.
“Why not us?”
Quarter-finals, win.
Semi-finals, win.
Finals, win.
Champagne spraying, grins taking up the circumference of everyone’s faces. Jonah and teammates won the World Cup. The most surreal feeling.
What’s next? Jonah thrives off his drive of reaching goals. With his biggest goals already behind him, Jonah looks ahead from paintball’s pinnacle.
Goal driven. Striving . . . This is his drive, his need, his want.
Reflecting on his accomplishments, he focuses on the quote by Goitsemang Mvula: “Be the person your younger self would look up to.”
(Jonah, I know your younger self would be proud of you because as your younger sister, I look up to you every day. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. Keep working hard and your goals will follow.)
Jonah Zenzick • Nov 2, 2021 at 9:57 AM
The writing style is super creative. I also connected to the story because my name is Jonah and my sister’s name is Anna. Kinda odd.
Kalyan Krueger-Olson • Nov 1, 2021 at 1:01 PM
I like the anticipation and tension that this style of writing gave off! Well done!
Connor • Oct 12, 2021 at 2:16 PM
this was very well written and interesting!