Humans of NHS — Anna Foucault

Photo by: Emerson Bluemke

Anna Foucault, class of 2023

Emerson Bluemke, Student of Journalism

“I’m going to major in Industrial Technology Management. It’s kind of like engineering, but it’s more of the technology parts of engineering. Once I graduate from college and get a job, I will be managing the floor of an engineering or a manufacturing company, or I can go into OSHA where I will do safety checks. Engineering has been something I’ve wanted to do for a while, and now that I’ve looked into it more, it is definitely something I want to pursue. I will be attending UW-Platteville after high school and I plan on going there because they have a really good engineering program. I really love the campus! It’s kind of located in the middle of nowhere, but it’s really pretty. I can’t wait to attend there in the fall of 2023.” — Anna Foucault, class of 2023