Student Body Plans Final Homecoming Hosted at Tullar Road Address
Photo by: Easton Rice
September 25, 2022
Homecoming is a valued time of the year at NHS, and Principal Wunderlich says: “Anyone is invited.”
He stressed that even if students are not participating, come hang out. He thinks that is part of it.
“Connecting with your classmates seeing them outside of the halls and in your classrooms, and just hopefully making some memories.”
Clearly, Wunderlich is excited about Homecoming. With focus on what is new or a little bit different this year, he shared that a revamped student government ownership in coordinating the events. They assigned them to various other school activities, so each night a different group is responsible for some things happening. The ownership of Homecoming by the student body pleases both Wunderlich and Mr. Mike Elkin, Activities Director. Additionally, the senior class advisers (Ms. Abigail Poliak and Mr. Todd Jacobson) are also supporting student leadership to shape “The Year of Us,” which is the last year for a Homecoming hosted at Rocket Stadium.
This year, students have some new themes for the dress-up days for Homecoming 2022. This year, Monday is country vs country club, grades 9-11 will dress up in their best country attire, while seniors will show off their nicest country club outfits. Tuesday is Adam Sandler day, where students of NHS will show off their best Adam Sandler outfits. Wednesday is toddler vs senior citizen day, grades 9-11 will toss back to the days of NJSD’s many elementary schools, while seniors will show off their senior fits throwing forward to their future past NHS. Thursday is anything but a backpack, an NHS favorite debuting last year anything but a backpack is a day to lug around school items in any item students see fit, whether that be a kayak like last year or a simple paper bag. Anything but a backpack day is a day about the student body showing off their outlandish pride. And lastly, for seniors on Thursday, it will be senior blackout day with their Burger King crowns.
The assembly, this year, will as always be a mesh of fun activities, school spirit and united excitement for this year’s Homecoming. The pep assembly will be the host of games for students to participate and rally around, the assembly is going to be Thursday, during the Champion time.
The Homecoming parade will be a fun one for the whole family. The clubs at NHS have their own floats to show how vital different clubs are to NHS, along with the other members and parts of our communities that make Neenah so special. The parade will start at and the route the parade will be taking its traditional route starting at the Neenah public pool and taking Wisconsin Avenue. through downtown. The parade will start at 5 p.m. on Friday (Sept. 30).
The Homecoming game, according to a recent Neenah Satellite poll, is the most popular part of Homecoming. The football games at NHS are always special – thanks to the Rockets Rowdies for keeping morale up and helping light the fuse to school spirit! The kickoff for the game is at 7 p.m. at Rocket Stadium and keeping with tradition, the theme for that game is, for seniors to wear black, juniors to wear white, sophomores to wear red, and freshmen to wear gray. Football at NHS has always been a crucial part of what makes NHS NHS, and a tailgate hosted by Fusion supports fans and the game.
The dance at NHS this year will be held in the cafeteria. Tickets will be available next week Tuesday – Thursday. All tickets must be purchased by the end of the day on Thursday or students will not be permitted to enter the dance. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DANCE DOORS, according to Wunderlich. Tickets for the dance are $10 and are purchased online. Students must have a 2022-’23 student ID to enter the dance, and the dance will run from 8 – 11 p.m. The theme of this year’s dance is: “To appreciate the past, and blast into the future.”
Also, other honorable mentions for this year’s Homecoming activities include:, the powder puff game starts at 6 p.m. on Wednesday (September 28). To enter the game, students must bring a canned food item or $1 to put in the donation bin for Helping Hunger. Also, there is the Neenah tailgate, which will be starting at 5 p.m. at Rocket Stadium. Students are able to purchase a $5 ticket, which includes a brat or burger, a cookie, chips and water. On Tuesday (Sept. 27), SALT is holding its annual spike ball tournament starting at 6 p.m, and later that night there will be the drive-in movie night showing Ghostbusters in the spirit of crushing the Kaukauna Ghosts who are the Homecoming opponents, from 8-10 p.m.
This is the last Homecoming in this building, stadium and campus. This year’s Homecoming has been organized by the student body for the student body, so please make the most of the final Homecoming at the Tuller Road address.
Harlee Hilgers • Mar 20, 2023 at 12:59 PM
I wish that I would have gotten to experience this, I didn’t get a chance to go this year. I loved how the theme was affiliated with the team the football team played against. I heard it was a huge hit at the dance! I did participate in the events that took place that week, and I like how there are several inclusions geared toward several groups of people!