Video: Rocket News – Week of 2022-10-18

Robert Barthell, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

The eighth week of school opens with a recap of the fall play, Anastasia, which is *not*, in fact, pronounced “Annuhsteyzheea” but rather “Annastaseeaa.” Reception to the play was very positive, but confusion remained as to who was actually the main character. Senior Drake Jesse earned significant recognition for his role as Gleb.

Earlier in the week, there was a tour of the new high school, where the community was invited to see how construction has been going – most of the exterior work is now complete.

Sports are seeing mixed results, with many beginning their regional/conference competitions and therefore the entire schedule cannot be accurately predicted.

Biology Teacher Molly Brown is planning a trip to the Galapagos Islands and is holding an informational meeting tonight through Zoom for anyone interested (QR code appears at 9:00)

The Neenah High School Orchestras will have their first concert this Thursday at 19:30, attendance is free.

Network Photography will be retaking photos on Friday afternoon; seniors should send their own photos to Tracy McClowry by the end of the month.

Weather actually looks decent for the weekend.