Having a comfortable bed will improve probably every aspect of your life. Tired? Comfortable bed. Uncomfortable? Comfortable bed. Stressed? Comfortable bed. Having a comfortable bed will also lead to another one of the best things ever. Waking up well rested. Have you ever been so drained from the day? Your eyelids feel like they are 1000 pounds and your head is spinning, the only thing that would be perfect right at that moment is a comfortable bed, with fluffy blankets, and a perfectly set room, with just the right cushion, to drift and calmly rest into..
Some days you feel like Mrs Lammers after mod 3, tired and stressed, and all you want to do is come home and let go of everything. But your bed is uncomfortable. Smells bad, stiff, ugly, crunchy blankets, thin pillows, and socks on. Could you imagine. That might be a bigger mood killer than forgetting to charge your phone at night or getting fired – well, almost.
But look no further! Because your bed isn’t actually uncomfortable, it’s actually perfect. You don’t have to care about being greedy and spoiled. You got what you want and that is probably the best feeling in the world.