CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! That is the sound of freedom, the sound of you finally getting out of the car. The moment you stand up after a long car ride is the moment the world stops. The cramping, the soreness, and the massive headache you’ll receive when you’re in the car will instantly disappear.
It’s like when you wake up from a refreshing nap and stretching is the first thing you do. This madness of a feeling will happen any time, any age and in any instance. Fear not, this only happens on long car rides 2 hours or longer in one sitting; any time you are stuck in a cramped car. What’s even more of a horrible feeling is when you have no leg space due to objects obstructing your space. But don’t worry because the first step is heaven due to the creativity, and looseness you will feel a wisp of delight like a cat getting catnip. This is because you let your body move freely. And every time you take a step and every wind that grazes against you, will feel more and more unconfined from the car.