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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Most people know the friendly, easy-going teacher with a passion for history and economics as Mr. Andrew LaLuzerne.

Teacher Refuses to be Defined by Injury

Jason Fisher, Student of Journalism October 14, 2018

Most people know the friendly, easy-going teacher with a passion for history and economics as Mr. Andrew LaLuzerne. Within his a classroom adorned with historical maps and old propaganda posters, he gives...

At the funeral, Tanner’s grieving family and friends feel the gaping hole in their lives.

Guardian Angel Guides Loved One

Jami Fofana, Student of Journalism October 14, 2018

Dates trigger memories. Two years ago on Aug. 2, Karina Fritsch lost her best friend. “My person. My cousin.” As a senior, she reflects on one fateful day two summers ago. When her dad calls...

Senior Matt Cowen builds strong relationships at NHS through drama.

Drama Auditions Build Up Character

Evan Miracle, Student of Journalism October 14, 2018

In his sophomore year, Matt Cowen steps into an audition that completely changes his high school experience. As a long-time musician, he joins the Madrigals Singers earlier that year. Having come...

Overcoming Obstacles: One Parent's Story of Success Under Pressure

Overcoming Obstacles: One Parent’s Story of Success Under Pressure

Sammy Meverden, Student of Journalism October 14, 2018

As Dad recounts one of his stories from high school, a tale of overcoming obstacles and learning from mistakes is heard. Lansing Michigan – 1985. The Science Olympiad national championship. Rick...

As a cross-country runner, Kaitlyn Olsen finds her time taken up by long meets and frequent practice during the fall; she struggles to find the time to complete all of her homework.

Senior Runs the Race Against Stress

Claudia Miller, Student of Journalism October 14, 2018

She stumbles under the weight of expectations. Cross-country practice. AP class homework. College Applications. All of these things overload Kaitlyn Olsen’s daily schedule.   As a cross-country runner,...

The photograph showcases 				
Michael's cube collection as of  winter 2015.

Rubik’s Cube Talent Leads to Mindful Approach to Life

Solon Ramos, Student of Journalism October 14, 2018

In 30 seconds, a young adult walks about half of a football field. In accordance to America’s averages, in that time the same young adult also washes his hands five times or sings happy birthday three...

Originally a printed paper, the Satellite has covered a wide variety of articles, columns, cartoons and more since it was introduced

Neenah Satellite Promotes Student Voices Since 1981

Ashlyn Jacobs, Staff Writer October 11, 2018

Homecoming reminds the community of the school spirit held by both past and present generations, and the evolving school newspaper has been there every step of the way to document NHS history. Today's...

Freshman Lindsey Harris’s family served as missionaries in Istanbul, Turkey, where they build churches and relationships for eight years.

Student Experiences New Culture Through Long-Term Missions

Ashlyn Jacobs, Student of Journalism October 8, 2018

Individuals know the importance of stepping outside of their comfort zone -- sometimes thousands of miles outside. Long-term missions call freshman Lindsey Harris’s family to Istanbul, Turkey, where...

Senior Logan Eiden attributes his passion for football from his dad.

Neenah Athlete Living His Passion

Drew Karle, Student of Journalism October 7, 2018

The source of our hobbies is intriguing. For senior, varsity football player, Logan Eiden, his passion comes from his dad. “My dad was a big, football player. He planned to go play for Minnesota,...

Currently a junior on the swim team, Claire Eisele wants to continue the momentum of the last season.

Work Ethic Paves the Path to State

Kaley Waters, Student of Journalism October 7, 2018

Standing behind the blocks, Claire Eisele gets ready to race as the natatorium roars with cheers. Filled with excitement, she adjusts her swim cap to prepare for her four events --unheard of as a sophomore....

Ari Vatne sits at her desk, waiting to start the show.

Stage Manager Role: Powerhouse of Pickard

Josie Cleveland, Student of Journalism October 7, 2018

Pickard Auditorium functions like a cell in the body. The directors are the masterminds, the nucleus; they use scripts as DNA to build a show. The actors are cytoplasm, cushioning and making up the body...

This photograph features senior Savannah Ely (right) on the slopes with family friends only moments before her accident.

Flash with Death, Sparks Admiration

Trina Freeders, Student of Journalism October 7, 2018

A typical Wisconsin winter day turns dark and miserable in a flash of an eye for senior, Savannah Ely. As an avid skier, she hits the slopes with family friends a day in January. With a classic day...

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