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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


German Seeks an American Experience

Hope De Shaney and Bailey Reynolds October 23, 2016

Being an exchange student opens many doors and new beginnings. For Maya Koll she is hoping to experience as much as she can and truly soak in the “American Dream.” Koll, a typical teen from Germany,...

Satellite Selects New Editor-in-Chief

Cel Krause, Student of Journalism October 23, 2016

People strive to be the best of the best in their field; for Satellite reporters Charley Hrobsky's position is the goal. Hrobsky became the Satellite’s editor-in-chief at the end of her junior...

Risky Rizky: From Indonesia to Wisconsin

BaJie Vang and Uriah Wangelin October 23, 2016

After a flight delay holding his arrival to America back, Try Rizley “Rizky” Almaeda, who is currently a senior at NHS, is prepared to begin his new life here in Wisconsin. From a crowded city...

A Diverse Career Yields Educational Opportunities

Basil Eastman-Kiesow and John Zwick October 23, 2016

After a diverse career in musical performance, new NHS orchestra director Philip Smyth now seeks to bring the skills he learned and the passions he developed on the road into the classroom. Smyth...

Color of Hair Draws Attention

Color of Hair Draws Attention

Emily Smock, Student of Journalism October 23, 2016

What starts as an act of rebellion turns into a normal part of Liam O’Connor's, life. It’s the second to last day of Liam’s eighth grade year. He walks into his Christian school. His uniform...

His Determination Grants Him Ease on Longboard

His Determination Grants Him Ease on Longboard

Cody Wienandt, Student of Journalism October 20, 2016

The first time he steps on a board, he falls off. Feeling the sensation of being taken away by wind and a set of wheels, he chooses the wrong form and foot placement resulting in the board flying from...

The Middle Man:  Offering a Level of Security that Is Taken for Granted

The Middle Man: Offering a Level of Security that Is Taken for Granted

Cel Krause, Student of Journalism October 20, 2016

Students flow down the halls like white rapids, crashing and swirling toward their next class, oblivious to any potential dangers surrounding them. “Quietly in the shadows” is a mere educational...

Photograph of Principal Wunderlich in high school.

Relating to a High School Student

Annie Stubing, Student of Journalism October 18, 2016

He grows up with supportive parents that encourage him to be his best. With his family as his rock, this Appleton East High School student finds himself involved in many activities. He thrives in DECA...

On the Race Course, A Different Battle is Waged

On the Race Course, A Different Battle is Waged

John Zwick, Student of Journalism October 16, 2016

David Oyler methodically ties his timing chip into the laces of his bright orange cleat. About 45 minutes and five kilometers later, the square of plastic will fly through a set of scanners at the...

Happiness fills the Meilhon family after the naturalization ceremony.

New Beginnings in NHS French Teacher’s Family

Emily Roberts, Student of Journalism October 16, 2016

In the back of a courtroom, various families sit in awe. People of all ethnicities are crammed into the pews available like sardines in a tin can. Hot, reeking air falls as if it is a fleece blanket...

Clicking Through Life:  Music Offers Endless Focus

Clicking Through Life: Music Offers Endless Focus

Nick Morrissey, Student of Journalism October 16, 2016

Clad in a black cardigan contrasting against a tie dye t-shirt, his leg bounces, his pen clicks, and his brain ticks. A million thoughts and a million melodies are swimming around in the sea of his mind....

A Horrifying Accident Redirects Life

A Horrifying Accident Redirects Life

Rachel Terry, Student of Journalism October 16, 2016

An NHS student will forever be in pain because of one horrifying accident. On a snowy night in November, 2015, a girl and her dad are driving back from a long night patrolling the ski hills at Nordic...

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