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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Example of outfit in which female student receives a dress code violation.

Column: Dress Codes Discriminate and Disrupt Classrooms

Hannah Farrell, Student of Journalism January 4, 2020

The format of a dress code has objectified and sexualized female students for generations and it is time to speak out. School dress codes were started in 1969 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Fashion trends,...

Courtesy of author

Column: Why Failure Teaches Life Lessons

Madison Pedersen, Student of Journalism January 3, 2020

I have failed. I have failed many times in my life -- to say the least. I was cut from the varsity volleyball team, and I have failed some classes. I am no stranger to failure, and there are things...

White Elephant gifts under the Christmas Tree.

Column: Christmas Tradition that Continues to Sweep the Nation

Ethan Krueger, Student of Journalism January 2, 2020

One day a year, stealing from a family member is allowed and does not result in a misdemeanor. No one is going to be taken away to the slammer. In fact, it is encouraged to steal. Involving over 36 million...

courtasy of Jeriah Paulson

Column: Bathrooms Against Humanity

Jeri Paulson, Student of Journalism January 2, 2020

Over my past four years at NHS, I have experienced an abundance of troubles related to the bathrooms. Stalls with broken doors and holes you can literally see through, the lack of bathrooms in the Link,...

Humor is the courtesy of

Column: Keeping the Pounds off During Winter Break

Seth Geiger, Student of Journalism December 29, 2019

Everybody loves the round, jolly, bearded man that is associated with Christmas and the holiday season. Few, however, like how they start resembling Saint Nick after a week off of school laying around...

Column:  Happiness Can Change Your Life

Column: Happiness Can Change Your Life

Jordon Van Domelen, Student of Journalism December 29, 2019

Happiness is an emotion every single person on this planet is capable of; however, we tend to limit this emotion and underestimate its extraordinary powers. Living a happier life can increase not only...

Photo courtesy of Shilpa Kulkarni

Column: Apprenticeships and Internships Give Students Opportunities for Better Future Planning

Josh Brazee, Student of Journalism December 29, 2019

In this day in age, students are pushed toward the college route more than ever before. Most parents think that the college route is the best way to find a solid and high paying career. In reality, many...

Column:  Free College Credits in High School

Column: Free College Credits in High School

Noelle Schumacher, Student of Journalism December 27, 2019

Almost every high schooler worries about college and the cost that comes with it. Of course there are scholarships and financial aid, but one opportunity not many students at NHS are familiar with is the...

Column:  A Way to Succeed with New Year's Resolutions

Column: A Way to Succeed with New Year’s Resolutions

Savannah Rosenberg, Student of Journalism December 27, 2019

Setting a New Year’s resolution seems to be easy. Anyone can say they will eat healthily, work out or volunteer more, but so many of us struggle to achieve these goals every year. American culture is...

Column:  Saying Happy Holidays is the Best Way to Spread Festive Cheer

Column: Saying Happy Holidays is the Best Way to Spread Festive Cheer

Tori Rondeau, Student of Journalism December 27, 2019

As the holiday season continues, so does the battle between festive messages: Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays. On a daily basis, we see many different people that we may not know, and we see even...

The question many people ponder:  Is the target-based grading system in the best interest of NHS? 

Column: Student Questions Grading System

Kiana Valeri, Staff Writer October 27, 2019

Mixed thoughts exist between students, parents, and teachers as NHS entirely transitions to target-based grading, which is supposed to shift the focus on learning and change NHS for the better.  The N.J.S.D....

'Do you know the three most important words in the world?'

Column: Breeding Pets Does More Harm than Good

Maddie Nail, Student of Journalism May 19, 2019

A problem that often goes unheard of, but it still a dangerous and serious issue, is pet overpopulation, specifically dogs and cats. Most people own either a dog or a cat, adopting from animal shelters,...

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