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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Letter to Editor: My Name is C+

Arianna Edler, junior January 19, 2016

Dear Editor: “We lose our identity. People say that's just junior year. No, it’s not, this is the year that we are supposed to find ourselves.” -Anonymous. Teachers look at us as if we are grades,...

Letter to the Editor: Benefits of Creative Writing

Edward Joas, senior January 12, 2016

Dear Editor: Creative writing should be in schools for a few reasons. Creative writing supports cognitive function such as math or logic. Creative writing may also work as a stress release.  Personally,...

Letter to Editor: End of Bake Sale Tradition

Madeline Kneeland, junior January 9, 2016

Dear Editor: The school bake sale: a long time tradition has gone just a bit too far. During the month of December, especially near winter break, the frequency of bake sales becomes almost extreme,...

Editorial Cartoon: Submerged in Schoolwork

Editorial Cartoon: Submerged in Schoolwork

Alicia Orlando, Staff Cartoonist January 8, 2016

Mini-torials – Week of Jan. 6

January 6, 2016

Salutes Cotton Club announcements began this week with ticket sales to promote the event which is coming up soon. The ARC/Library got a new look over the past few weeks, courtesy of Mrs. Kelly. Study...

Letter to Editor: Restrooms Need More Attention

Jeremiah Zolkowski, senior December 30, 2015

Dear Editor: Every school day, thousands of kids roam the hall the hallways of NHS. This mean that hundreds of children a day are using various facilities throughout the school, including bathrooms....

Letter to Editor: Students Speak About Enforcement of Hallway Rules

Mindy Schmitt, senior December 30, 2015

Dear Editor: Recently NHS officials have reinforced a set of rules that affects students, particularly those who have release and the ability to leave campus for lunch. According to Mr. William Bauer,...

Letter to the Editor: The Dreaded 80-20 Split

Mark Cannon, junior December 30, 2015

Dear Editor:   As of the beginning of this school year, grading policy change has afflicted students across all grades. Introduced to the student body, in an initiative to more accurately assess the...

"Falling Kingdoms" Brings Essential Elements Back to Fantasy Books

“Falling Kingdoms” Brings Essential Elements Back to Fantasy Books

Charley Hrobsky, Editorial Editor December 30, 2015

"Falling Kingdoms" by Morgan Rhodes brings magic back to life in the young adult genre through multiple point of views. The first book in this fantasy series brings many expectations along with it, like...

"Rebel Spring" Magically Develops Characters

“Rebel Spring” Magically Develops Characters

Charley Hrobsky, Editorial Editor December 30, 2015

"Rebel Spring," sequel to "Falling Kingdoms," made a phenomenal world even better. Character development is the basis of every great story, and Morgan Rhodes definitely hit the ball out of the park with...

"Gathering Darkness" Focuses in on Romance and Magic

“Gathering Darkness” Focuses in on Romance and Magic

Charley Hrobsky, Editorial Editor December 30, 2015

 The third installment in the "Falling Kingdoms" series, "Gathering Darkness," was the perfect mixture of everything the prior books had perfect. Characters sharing their secrets, learning more about...

Mini-torials: Holiday Edition

December 16, 2015

Salutes Holiday movies with friends are awesome. Holiday parties and food are splendid. Wrapping presents is a fun activity. White elephant gift exchanges get interesting and funny. People...

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