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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The academy used some of the grant money to purchase a shed to house its lawnmower and wheelbarrow, which were previously stored in the greenhouse built last year.

Grant Helps Greenhouse Grow

John Zwick, Student of Journalism November 20, 2016

A $10,000 grant to further its greenhouse program was received by the Arete Academy in October. The interdisciplinary project-based learning program has used the money to expand and improve its existing...

A Diverse Career Yields Educational Opportunities

Basil Eastman-Kiesow and John Zwick October 23, 2016

After a diverse career in musical performance, new NHS orchestra director Philip Smyth now seeks to bring the skills he learned and the passions he developed on the road into the classroom. Smyth...

On the Race Course, A Different Battle is Waged

On the Race Course, A Different Battle is Waged

John Zwick, Student of Journalism October 16, 2016

David Oyler methodically ties his timing chip into the laces of his bright orange cleat. About 45 minutes and five kilometers later, the square of plastic will fly through a set of scanners at the...

Humans of NHS- Basil Eastman-Kiesow

Humans of NHS- Basil Eastman-Kiesow

John Zwick, Student of Journalism September 26, 2016

“I would like to start my own law firm and have it be successful by 15 years from now. I would also like to go to a prestigious law school. And through having a successful law firm, I would like to...

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