Neenah Girls’ Lacrosse Team Receives an Official Playing Field


Varsity Coach Chad Wawiorka and team members are hopeful that this location change will bring more recognition to the team.

A home-field advantage is in store for the Neenah girls’ lacrosse players as their stomping grounds move from Horace Mann to the Rocket Stadium this spring.

Activities Director Nate Werner said that after holding discussions with Superintendent Dr. Mary Pfeiffer and Principal Brian Wunderlich, it was decided that “having girls’ lacrosse on campus is the right thing to do.” 

Six years ago, when the team started, it was agreed that the team would practice at Horace Mann.

Currently, time advanced and the program evolved, “Our numbers have skyrocketed, and the girls have been doing great,” Werner acknowledged.  “It’s time to take that next step.” 

The winds of change will be blowing over the team this spring as the team will no longer have to commute to Horace Mann everyday. NHS will host all home games and practices on campus. The new practice field will be located behind the baseball diamonds, and all home games will be in Rocket Stadium.

Previously, Neenah players voiced opinions that the field at Horace Mann was unsafe for the team and uninviting to other teams. Divots in the field and a track directly surrounding the outline of the field was the biggest safety concern for teammates and opponents.

Along with an unsafe field, the team would spend crucial practice time cleaning up trash in order to play on it. “At one point I was able to collect about four raisin boxes a day,” varsity player, Cassidy Kempainen said.

Varsity Coach Chad Wawiorka and team members are hopeful that this location change will bring more recognition to the team.

“The team was lacking student body support and felt a little bit like outsiders” Wawiorka said. After the team makes the move to the high school Wawiorka and team members believe they will gain more support from the school and believe being on campus will help the program grow.

The team is bursting with excitement for this opportunity and hopes that the stands will be packed like sardines to celebrate. When the National Anthem is played in Rocket stadium for the first girls’ lacrosse game, there will not be a dry eye in the house.