NHS Powerlifting Team Headed to National Championships

During spring break, the NHS Powerlifting team lifted at HS National Powerlifting Championships in Scranton, Penn.

After a 16 hour bus ride, the team arrived on Wednesday morning. The results quickly rolled in with phenomenal results. The NHS Powerlifting entered two teams in the competition. Varsity girls’ team finished in 3rd place, and the combined varsity team finished in 4th.

Varsity unequipped lifters:

Jonas Kasten: 5th Varsity 60K
Nadine Alberg: 6th Varsity 67.5K
Alex Boehlen: 3rd Varsity 120K

Trevor Marquardt: 3rd Varsity 120+K
Varsity equipped lifters:
Delaney Ortiz: 4th  48K
Emily Salm:  6th  48K
Taylor Wyngaard: 7th  56k
Bryce Londerville: 5th  56K
Nicholas Johnso: 7th  56K
Courtney Corrente: 4th 60K
Grace Tollar:  9th  60K
Spencer Butke: 5th 67.5K
Nina Duffeck:  DNF
Dallas Cavegn:3rd  75K
Emily Nickolai: 11th  82.5K
Danielle Eaglin: 4th 90K
Kristen Opiela: 3rd  90+K
JV equipped lifters:
Melanie Johnson: 7th 52K
Anita Lozano: 5th  60K
Jamie Regnier:  5th  67.5K
Kaileigh Nickel:  7th  67.5K
Isabella Mullally:  5th  82.5K
Brayden Londerville: 2nd 52K
Brandon Patschke: 4th  82.5K
JV unequipped lifter:
Quinn Parker: 1st 75K