Duo Add Student Voice to the Board of Education

Junior Beatrice Padgham and senior David Lang represent the student body on the board.

Junior Beatrice Padgham and senior David Lang represent the student body on the board.

Generally, the concept of extracurricular activities makes students think of the usual clubs, sports and drama groups that perform after school. For Beatrice Padgham and David Lang, however, their extracurricular role is a little more interesting. They have been chosen as student representatives on the Neenah Joint School District Board of Education, which manages all the activities, plans and basically everything else in the district.

Going on its seventh year, the ability for students to join the the twice-monthly board of education meetings has allowed the adult administrators to see the world from a student’s point of view. The students are also able to provide updates about high school life directly to the administrators, really keying them into key details of student life.

For Lang, a senior, this experience is not all that new, as not only was he chosen for this same position last year, his brother, John Lang, was actually one of the first two student representatives to serve, all the way back in 2009. Lang and his previous partner, Maddie Hibbs-Magruder (class of 2015), did not really know each other, but that was not the case with his new partner, Padgham. Instead, when she showed an interest in being in this prestigious position, he acted as a mentor to her, showing her the ropes and even introducing her to Dr. Mary Pfeiffer, the superintendent, and having her sit in on one of the meetings. He believes that her proactive attitude is a great addition to the board.

As for Padgham, a junior, she is ecstatic to be given this chance. “It feels pretty fantastic. I’m super excited to get this opportunity,” she replied over an e-mail, even over text bursting with enthusiasm, “…It’s pretty cool to hear about decisions that affect the high school (and the lower grades as well) in a positive manner.”