Winterfest Week Follow-Up

New details about Winterfest 2016 have been confirmed!winterfest.001

The “Cabin Fever” themed dance on Saturday, February 13 is officially formal because the basketball game was moved to an earlier time of 5:30 on Saturday. According to the Winterfest Committee, some girls have already bought their dresses for the dance assuming that the dance would be formal, so the committee decided that because they were able to move the basketball game, the dance should be formal.

In addition to the dress of the dance, the week day dress up days have been decided. To begin the week, Monday is a Pajama Day. Following this will be Tie-Dye Tuesday. Wednesday has been declared Wacky Socks Wednesday. For Thursday’s dress up day, it will be Throwback Thursday specifically to the 1980’s. Finally, to conclude the week, Friday will be a Red, White and Blue Day.

In addition to the events mentioned in the prior article “Winterfest Week Coming Soon,” Tuesday night will feature sledding on the hill at Memorial Park. Wednesday night will remain free. The theme for this years Staff Recipe Contest, as determined by Mrs. Lisa Dohr, will be chili.

For more information contact either the Neenah High School Student Council or the Winterfest Committee.