Humans of NHS – Emily Mangin

IMG_7305Photo by: Emily Mangin

“That’s been a trend that’s been happening for how many years? Society is busy trying to produce similar people, but we seem to misunderstand that the human race has only changed for the better because of differences. I completely agree with James about people wanting to self actualize through outlets, they aren’t able to do so in real life! We cannot truly understand ourselves if that’s not who we’re trying to be. How can someone be expected to prove themselves by trying to reach a social, economical, or educational ‘standard’? How we live our daily lives, the things we do, and not to mention our use of technology… we comprehend and process new information and different opinions constantly. It can be difficult to find yourself. I don’t think there’s enough emphasis put on how important it is to do so. Our lifestyles and the way we’re educated teaches us to undermine our own integrity. Imagine truly feeling understood or knowing that your thoughts and opinions mattered. It’s like the system is so focused on getting a standard result they don’t think twice about the individuals. Like all the learning is based on achieving results… I’d like to actually be knowledgeable and understanding, not a machine, thank you very much. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~ Einstein” – Emily Mangin, senior