Letter to the Editor: Swimming Requirement Advocated


Dear Editor:

Home and Recreational Safety confirmed from 2005-2014, 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings annually in the United States — about 10 deaths per day.  In addition to that scary statistic, about one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger. Recently, a proposal was advanced to the Neenah Joint School District Board to have swimming removed from its Active Lifestyles courses.

Removing the swimming unit from Active Lifestyles course would be a terrible idea because it would increase the risk of drowning and leave students unprepared for possible danger when they are near water. 

We should have swimming because it teaches us the minimal skill set of swimming that we need if we were to end up on a sinking boat that we could just swim to shore or a boat nearby. Also this way we can enjoy the refreshing water by swimming in it on hot summer days. If someone, however, does need to miss this unit because of medical reasoning they can get a doctor note and be excused for that part of the class.

According to the Better Health Channel, swimming is a good all-around activity because keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body. It builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.  Overall, swimming is a helpful skill set to have because it cannot only save you, it can also help you get into shape and be fit.  Additionally, it is fun and relaxing.

Ultimately, plenty of reasons exist why the swimming curriculum should be required because it teaches you a skill set that is necessary for life.  It is only a 6-week class, so it is only required for six weeks of your entire high school career. Overall, the curriculum swimming component should be required. It benefits you in the long run.


Taggen Davis, senior