Phase 2C Event Plans Confirmed for Thursday


Phase 2C posters are scattered around the halls to promote this special community event.

Conner Delveaux, Student of Journalism

Phase 2C features a basketball game for the Special Olympiads vs. teachers organized by S.A.L.T. on Nov. 15 in the field house.

Phase 2C consists of three parts, which include:  first, the Special Olympic basketball team takes on NHS teachers; second,  the skills team competes in a skills competition; and third, during halftime of the game, a unified dance is performed with members of Special Olympics and members of the dance team.

The Special Olympiads are coached by Chad Oeftger, and the teachers are coached by Todd Jacobson.

Oefter mentioned that many opportunities exist to get involved with Special Olympics.  He said that if students want to get involved, they could volunteer at Special Olympics basketball practices.  He also issued an invitation: “Come out to the Ron Einerson Fieldhouse on Nov. 15 to cheer our team on!” 

Per tradition, T-Jac (Jacobson) coaches the teacher team.  “My favorite part is the joy it brings to the Special Olympiads, myself, our staff, parents and our fans,” Jacobson said.

According to the NHS Special Olympics Website, Phase 2C students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included Phase II events for the past five years. 

Annually, students, parents, teachers, and friends come to the game to support the Special Olympiads. The more people that are in the stands cheering, the more exciting it is for the participants.

This year Phase 2C is ran by the S.A.L.T. (Student Activities Leadership Team) group.

Jacobson shared that he is the co-adviser for S.A.L.T.  This group has been and asked to be in charge of the event and promotions.

“I could not be more proud of our S.A.L.T. members that rose up to the challenge with a very limited amount of time,” Jacobson said.

Phase 2C is a popular event ran by a hardworking group of students to support a special group of olympians.

For more information:  Click on the picture below for the Special Olympic Wisconsin Website. It features information for all Special Olympic Wisconsin activities, dates, venues and information on Special Olympic tournaments held throughout the year.

Special Olympics Wisconsin