Referendum View: Look into Shattuck Middle School


Olivia Widmer, Student of Journalism


Walking around the halls of Shattuck Middle School, taxpayers may start to notice things about the school that make it unique. Whether these traits are desirable or not, it is what numerous people are wondering.  In terms of the referendum, people are questioning:  What will the referendum do to the building?  How it will change the lives of middle school students?

The referendum is a plan to build a new school for the middle schoolers in place of Shattuck, which has been around since the 1920s.  The hefty $129.6 million referendum ranks as the fifth most expensive request for funds in Wisconsin history, according to an online database used by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

When I walked around the halls of Shattuck, I saw quite a few interesting aspects of it. When reflecting on the demolition, I reached out to Mrs. Samantha Johnson, a teacher who works at the middle school.  She expressed concern for the process and preservation.  For example,  she noted that some of the doors and shelves were around since the school was built, making it apart of Shattuck’s history.

I noticed quite a few things as well.  Perhaps it was all of the beautiful art that students made that covered the walls, or how it was exactly the same as how it was left from previous years.

As a former student at Shattuck Middle School, I felt quite overwhelmed as I discovered all of the things I left behind when I came to the high school. Although some of these things were quite charming, like the old cracked tiles in the bathrooms, and the exposed brick walls. I do feel as if some of these things could be fixed and renovated with the new building.

Attached to this article is a selection of photos that show Shattuck for what it really is — a piece of history in the Neenah Joint School District.

Nostalgia aside, to be better informed on this issue, the district hosts a cite that specifies the details (What’s included) of the referendum.  It illustrates the wording on the ballet (Ballet Question) for the referendum.  Additionally, it provides a forum for concerns that can be addressed by district officials.

The vote for the referendum is April 2.