GSA Role Model Begins Transition


Photo courtesy of Zeph..

Jeriah Paulson, Student of Journalism

Walking in the halls of NHS, one never expects that among them a fellow student’s life changes forever. 

His story starts in the sixth grade; Zeph becomes more aware of his body and the effeminate roles pushing onto him. At the age of 11, Zeph ignores these. 

As he grows older, Zeph starts to experiment more with pronouns because a friend who stumbles over words, especially pronouns.

When recapping his childhood, he remembers feeling this gender euphoria around masculine pronouns but not really understanding gender. 

 Around Zeph’s freshman year, he starts identifying as genderfluid after hearing the GSA speak to his seminar.

After this day he starts researching and embraces self-discovery; Zeph realizes he identifies as male.

Later that year, Zeph joins the GSA, so he can advocate for others to help them on their journey. He bravely stands in front of the freshman, class after class, year after year, to help educate the student body for his cause and stop further transgressions toward his people.

Zeph models himself to his peers, but his feelings remain unknown.

Gender dysphoria’s hateful kiss haunts Zeph. 

Trans people experience this every day.

Dysphoria ruins trans people’s lives and leads to self-harm and suicide when not treated.

 “It’ll get so bad some days where I can’t look at my hands.”

 Luckily for Zeph, his supportive mother knows her way around mental health and counseling. She educates herself to further understand her son and as of Oct. 8, Zeph begins medically transitioning with testosterone. 

Zeph barely contains his excitement about the changes yet to come as he continues down this path. He also hopes to further educate the student body as a GSA advocate, and mentor others who experience similar troubles.