Phones in the Classroom: Superhero or Villain


Rhieley Mulder, Student of Journalism

Usage of phones by students at NHS has caused a stir in the learning environment, resulting in an uproar of advocating for no phones in the classroom.

It is no secret that phones have been a never-ending issue for faculty and students. Recently, there has been a greater push for a no-phone policy in classrooms. 

Students at NHS have been receiving many videos from Principal Brian Wunderlich informing students that classrooms are a learning environment and they should be putting their phones down and be active learners in class. “As much as people think they can multitask, research is pretty clear that you can’t,” Wunderlich said. 

This concern for phones is not just a problem at Neenah. Schools across Wisconsin have created bans against phones in school. According to Wisconsin Public Radio, “School districts across Wisconsin are continuing bans on cell phones in the classroom that school staff says have been helpful in lessening distractions during class.”

Like a light bulb turning on, districts have seen improvement of students involvement in class when they got rid of phones. It gives kids the push to be more social with one another, instead of being held to their phone like glue.

Debate exists that technology can be a useful tool for students in school. “There are some good perks that come with having a phone: in your learning, mindfulness breaks, and truthfully, a million things come up where kids need to communicate with parents,” Wunderlich said. There are so many factors that intervene in the debate of taking phones away. “Whenever I get an assignment in class, I like to put it in my phone right away so I don’t forget about it,” senior Savannah Rosenberg said. 

“Cell phones can be a distraction, but at the same time there are instructional practices which can utilize cell phones and engage students that have always had technology in their hands,” Lori Blakeslee, director of communications and public relations for the Green Bay District, from Wisconsin Public Radio, said. Technology in the classroom is starting to show up more frequently. It is making such an impact on the way students learn in today’s world.

Ultimately, the problem with phones will always be a hot topic. Students should continue to be active learners in the classroom. Phones should be put away and students should understand the appropriate time to take out the phone is. In the end, technology will always be there after class.