“Anything but a Backpack Day” Showcases Student Creativity

Robert Barthell, Staff Writer

Various NHS students partook in a challenge where they were required to leave their backpacks at home and carry their belongings in an alternative method of their choosing.  For the entire school day on Dec. 17 , the hallways of the school were filled with students carrying a wide variety of objects, which housed their daily belongings, school textbooks and other items that would normally be carried behind their backs.

“The craziest thing I’ve seen this morning has been a microwave oven, but I’m looking forward to using it during my mod 3 class to warm up my coffee when it gets cold,” Physics Teacher Mr. Scott Hertting, who stood outside in the Armstrong halls and witnessed hundreds of students walking to class.

Though many students still brought their normal backpacks, one could nevertheless stop and peek at the bizarre array of replacements, which students brought.  Indeed, these replacements came in the form of bags and boxes of all sizes, from simple briefcases to big wheelbarrows, and one student even brought a kayak.  Most people roaming the halls who participated in the event pulled large boxes and bags on wheels.

And somehow, they all fit in each classroom.  Orchestra teacher Mr. Phillip Smyth remarked that he saw “a couple garbage cans, a 5-gallon pail, and milk crates attached to a skateboard” in his first class this morning.  In fact, an Instagram page was created specifically for the purpose of documenting the interesting alternatives, which students carried around the building.

Junior Maria Mulloy expressed her reasoning for bringing a large wagon, one so large that a friend of hers had sat down inside and was being pulled around in it.  “It’s something from my childhood, and it’s something that I thought would carry my school supplies real nice.”

The holiday festivities do not end here, however.  In a digital flyer sent to staff, the remaining dress-up days are prominently declared, including Homecoming shirts, red-and-white day, and lastly, a pajama day.

Students are encouraged to participate.