Video: Satellite Weekly News – Week of 2022-01-03


Robert Barthell, Videographer

Items covered in this week’s video:

Student Government Association

An ambitious group of new student leaders seeks to reconstruct NHS’s old Student Council and expand its outreach to cover all interests and corners of the school.  Driving this rebirth is a motivation to get things done, as well as provide a good impression and legacy on the student body.  SGA’s Vice President Parker De Deker narrates.

Basketball Victories

During the break, Neenah faced off against the Pewaukee and Middleton Varsity Boys Basketball teams, both undefeated in the state, and scored a victory in both games.

NHS 2.0’s Construction Timeline

Construction is proceeding on the Southern end of the new NHS building, and is soon advancing – but why wait until the building is done?  Based off some publicly available renderings of the completed complex as well as inside notes on the construction process, Satellite attempts to show the viewer what the next year and a half will look like.