Most have money to spare, whether it is a portion of savings or a couple of bucks. No matter the amount, many could benefit from the extra support, and it is nice to give without getting.
If interested, people can help support a cause that is important to the community, and especially to Coach Joe Lewis. The Polar Plunge, presented by Community First Credit Union, could much use help for the cause they are supporting; the Special Olympics of Wisconsin.
Though many may not have the experience, it is a fun cause to support, and with charitable help from donors, the Neenah Powerlifting Plunge team gets to jump into below-freezing water for it!
Consider supporting this cause and donating anything to this link here.
The team welcomes the support; not just to jump into unbearably cold water, but to donate in support of the Special Olympics of Wisconsin.
Coach Lewis is passionate about this organization, so anything helps! According to their website, “We, as a high school team, have supported Special Olympics and the Polar Plunge for over a decade now. Please join us in contributing to this wonderful, and important cause!”
Consider helping out plungers who plan to jump, but are not quite at their goal of $100 yet. No matter the amount, they could always use the help!