Inka Laina models her cross country shirt with pride.
Going to a new school may be scary enough, but in a new country is unchartered territory for most.
This does not worry foreign exchange student Inka Laine from Finland; she is taking advantage of the opportunity.
A runner on the NHS cross-country team, she enjoys being active. Back in Finland, she enjoyed going snowboarding in Helsinki and playing soccer and her favorite class here is gym.
This school year she will be hosted by the Joseph and Jessica Bourassa family. As for her family back in Finland, she has a younger brother, her mother, father and her dog.
In terms of the differences between schools here and in Finland, an always eager Laina focuses on size. “The school here is a lot bigger.”
As for another difference on the schools, the classes are different; as opposed to here in America where we have the same classes every day. They have different classes every day in Finland.
On America, Laina said with a smile that pizza was her favorite American fast food. When she first landed here, she was excited with a little sadness, but mainly excited. She takes delight in the kindness of Americans and how they always ask, “How are you?”
Overall, Laina is defiantly someone students should consider getting to know. From crime shows to pizza, she is definitely settling in here and seizing opportunities to make memories.