Bayu Zulhamsyah pointing to his country on the foreign exchange students' map.
Foreign exchange students arrive with hopes of making and sharing memories.
Baya Zulhamsyah, from Indonesia is off to a positive start as he arrived with a fresh favorite memory.
“When I got my letter to let me be a foreign exchange student,” he said with a confident smile.
Recalling his arrival a few short months ago, Zulhamsyah remembers the shock of the Wisconsin weather.
In his home town in Indonesia, he said that he is used to hot weather and he felt almost nervous when he found out that it is going to get much colder here in a few months.
He explained that his favorite thing in America is the food. The fast food places are his favorite. In contrast, he also said that the thing he misses most about about home is the food because of how different American food is from Indonesian.
The family host of Zulhamsyah is Sharon Oestreich. His host brother is Elisha. “Living with them gives me the experience of an American family.”
Although he greatly misses his family, he is happy to share his hometown memories to teach students about his culture.
Zulhamsyah explained the basics of his hometown. He said that the town he lived in is the second biggest town in Indonesia. He also said how his he really likes going to school in Neenah; it is different here than in Indonesia. He said one big difference is that Neenah students do not have to wear uniforms, but back at home he does. He also said that he likes the education here and thinks it is a good school.
Zulhamsyah is busy making memories that he plans to share for a lifetime.