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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Lexie focused on trying to nurse herself back to health her freshman year.

There’s a First Time for Everything

Alyssa Star, Student of Journalism October 16, 2016

“Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to go to college,” Lexie explains. UW- Oshkosh vs UW-Green Bay? Unsure of what she wants to do and where she wants to go Lexie follows her boyfriend...

Equestrian team hopes to recruit new members.

Scenes from the Activities Fair

Ksenya Seager, Photography Editor September 8, 2016

With the vendors set and ready to sell, there was a calm before the storm of customers.

Scenes from the Craft Fair

Kiara Vanden Langenberg, Staff Photographer December 25, 2015

Project Based Learning Explores

Project Based Learning Explores

December 7, 2015

Click on photo to view Post Crescent article on NHS' Project Based Learning program.

Officer Strebel Back on Duty at NHS

Ari Beltran, Reporter October 27, 2015

After eight long, hardworking years of patrol work, Officer Vicki Strebel has come back to Neenah High School and plans on being here for as long as she can. She loves her job and could never see herself...

Soccer, Food and New Adventures

Kaitlin Pickens, Reporter October 26, 2015

With 4,882 miles between him and home, Till Johannes Wendeler says that he is excited, but nervous to be here on a new continent, in new country at a new school. Traveling here from Germany results...

Matt Kemper was also asked to be the MC or host of the teacher convocation, which is the welcoming back to school of the teachers.

Leading the School and Building Community

Casey Johnson, Reporter October 25, 2015

Senior Matthew Kemper has been a significant student leader for the past few years. He uses his leadership skill set at NHS from planning the homecoming events, to running the student store, otherwise...

Loving Life in America

Loving Life in America

Clarissa Tveten October 25, 2015

Coming from the Southern Coastal City of India, Aishwar Ganasekar, a foreign exchange student is embracing the exciting yet different ways of American life. Arriving on Aug. 13,Ganasekar is welcomed...

Daniela Duran Calabi, from Bolivia, arrived in
America speaking little English. Calabi, a junior, is hosted by the Lehrer family.

Bolivian Exchange Student Ready for a Challenge

Megan Janssen, Reporter October 18, 2015

Moving to a different continent to enroll in a new school is a daunting task for any student. This task is even more difficult when the student does not speak the language.   Daniela Duran Calabi,...

Maddie Terlap begins her senior year as Editor-in-Chief for the Satellite.

Terlap Becomes New Editor-in-Chief for Satellite Newspaper

Charley Hrobsky, Editorial Editor October 18, 2015

Maddie Terlap, senior, is the newest Editor-in-Chief for the NHS newspaper's, Satellite, 2015-16 school year. In April of the 2014-'15 school year, Mrs. Beth Plankey told Terlap in the hallway after...

A Lucubrating Language Experience

A Lucubrating Language Experience

Madison Banda, Reporter October 18, 2015

Spanish exchange student Carlota Palma, junior, made the brave decision to study abroad to further improve her English. Though two hours a week of English is the standard requirement at her school, Palma...

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