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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Top Five Christmas Desserts

Top Five Christmas Desserts

Conner Delveaux, Student of Journalism December 27, 2018

After trying a variety of Christmas desserts over a couple years, getting opinions from others, and researching, five desserts stand out as the best to eat during Christmas time. According to,...

To give a gift this holiday season, is to give love to those around.

Column: Gift Givers Guide — How to Stop the Holidays from Making the Bank Account Go Bankrupt?

Trina Freeders, Student of Journalism December 27, 2018

On Christmas Day, parents see their children running to the Christmas tree, opening presents and getting a huge smile on their face. What they are not thinking is how much this holiday season might have...

IIllustration by freshman Abi Wise.

Neenah News: A Year’s Summary

Staff Editorial December 12, 2018

The year 2018, while dominated by global and national events, was also considerably memorable closer to home. Though 365 days may seem like forever, the minutes of 2018 are ever dwindling, leaving NHS...

Salutes and Slams Week of Nov. 26

Salutes and Slams Week of Nov. 26

November 28, 2018

Slams: NHS Library and Media Schoology page opens updates up to all students, thus uploading multiple posts for students to filter through. Salutes: Vintage, Act II, Advanced and Intermediate...

According to Brian Wunderlich, NHS principal, NHS does not hold a field trip budget.

Staff Editorial: A Student’s Field Guide to Field Trips

Satellite Staff November 17, 2018

From farms to planetariums, many students remember elementary school field trips bursting with giggles, bagged lunches and bumpy bus rides; however, one rarely hears of high school students venturing out...

Salutes and Slams Week of Nov. 12

Salutes and Slams Week of Nov. 12

November 14, 2018

Slams: Thanksgiving food drive does not allow enough time for students to donate. Salutes: Freshman assembly on sexual abuse powerfully connected with students through personal stories and...

Blood Drive Cartoon:  Give Blood

Blood Drive Cartoon: Give Blood

Pippa Austin, Staff Cartoonist November 2, 2018

Halloween Cartoon:  Trick or Treat

Halloween Cartoon: Trick or Treat

Pippa Austin, Staff Cartoonist October 29, 2018

The NHS Hall of Fame induction reminded me of my own unique potential.

Hall of Fame Potential Abides in All

Emilee Wise, Editor-in-Chief October 16, 2018

I sat at the fancily set table, feeling small in a room full of people with incredible stories.  “How did I get here?” I asked myself as I looked around. It seemed that everyone had more talent than...

Chicago, NHS's fall musical, filled with 1920s culture, was loved by all members of the community. Photo Credit:  Lewiston Civic Theatre

Musical Review: Hats Off to Chicago

Bella Mullally, Staff Reviewer October 11, 2018

Chicago, NHS's fall musical, played from Sept. 29 through Oct. 2, transporting the audience back to the 1920s, where crime was entertainment and jazz was a lifestyle. Chicago showcased the talent...

Salutes and Slams: Week of Oct. 1

Salutes and Slams: Week of Oct. 1

October 10, 2018

Slams: Students deal with heat during certain classes. Due to weather, many homecoming activities were canceled. Salutes: Homecoming parade displays the variety of activities at NHS, enhancing...

Salutes and Slams: Week of Sept. 24

Salutes and Slams: Week of Sept. 24

September 26, 2018

Slams: Homecoming seems to sneak up on students with confusion over dress up days and activities. Fanny packs are back. Germs infest school; students miss class due to illness. Facility updates...

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