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The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Transmission Focus: V a p o r w a v e Matters to the Modern Music World

Transmission Focus: V a p o r w a v e Matters to the Modern Music World

Nick Morrissey, Reviewer December 16, 2015
Popularity certainly does still exist here, but rock stars are effectively dead in this world. It's no longer about the artist, it's about the art.

Letter: Get a Head Start on College; Take AP and CAPP Courses

Megan Janssen, senior December 14, 2015

Dear Editor: Students at NHS are fortunate to have the opportunity to take AP (Advanced Placement) and CAPP (Cooperative Academic Partnership Program) courses. Both of these courses allow students to...

Letter: Honest Talk about the Grading Scale

Mady Anderson, junior December 14, 2015

Dear Editor: The new grading at NHS called the “80/20” scale was implemented this year by administrators to put more emphasis on learning and being able to grow as students rather than sending them...

Letter: Water and Its Benefits

Casey Johnson, senior December 14, 2015

Dear Editor: Water is an essential liquid for all things living. According to an article "Importance of water and human health" water is made up of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. Recently some...

Letter: Become a Launch Leader

Emily Martis, senior December 13, 2015

Dear Editor: Being a LAUNCH Leader is much more than something, which looks good on a college application or release. Many duties need to be done as a LAUNCH Leader, and they are not always easy. Going...

Letter: Teachers Open Schedules to Open Opportunities

Annie Czech, senior December 13, 2015

Dear Editor: Dreams cannot be achieved all on one’s own without a motivation and a little help from someone who cares. Despite the stereotypical perception of teachers “ruining student’s lives,”...

Letter: Clean the Cafeteria Tables

Clarissa Tveten, senior December 13, 2015

Dear Editor: We use the lunch rooms everyday. We use it for studying during tutorial and eating lunch or breakfast. Unfortunately, the the tables are dirty constantly. Complaints and independent...

Mini-torials – Week of Dec. 9

December 9, 2015

Salutes Sophomores likes the formatting of the tests this year. The students are able to work at their own pace and start tests as soon as they finish their prior one. Madrigal dinner was cool. NHS...

Letter: Dress Code Letdown

Jadyn Schroepfer, freshman December 7, 2015

Dear Editor and Administrative Team: Since the beginning of the school year, an abundance of students, specifically girls, have been wearing clothing that are too revealing, which causes mass discomfort...

Letter: Behavior in Parking Lot

Madison Banda, senior December 7, 2015

Dear Editor: The main parking lot has long been a source of much friction and many headaches. Putting aside the parking space issues, student behavior in the parking lot is a problem that persists no...

Letter: Books For the Holidays

Letter: Books For the Holidays

Charley Hrobsky, junior December 6, 2015

Dear Editor: The hassle of the stores during the holiday season is often a complaint amongst holiday shoppers. Last-minute shoppers, who make up an approximate 23 percent of all shoppers, according...

Serious Column: Body Shaming Causes Pain

Emily Pirwitz, Columnist December 6, 2015

Body shaming occurs every day in the teenage community as a subcategory to bullying. Call someone fat? Just one word can affect an individual for life. According to J.K. Rowling, “Is fat really...

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