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The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Students show their school spirit by attending the homecoming parade!

Homecoming Parade

Claire Bruder, Photographer October 14, 2018

Despite the misty conditions, the community was happy to come together and show their school spirit by attending the homecoming parade!

This Sunday marks the start of homecoming week, the symbolic beginning will be the pep assembly that occurs this upcoming Monday.

An Insiders View Into Planning Homecoming

Frank Slavinsky, Student Life Reporter September 25, 2017

In the past week, numerous promotions and posters cropped up around NHS touting the activities of this year’s homecoming. The posters in the link are sure to catch the gaze of any passerby. But how did...

Torianna Jaque designed the shirt, which will be sold starting on Sept. 26.

NHS Hosts a Plethora of Events to Show Pride

Emily Roberts, Editor-In-Chief September 24, 2017

Homecoming week commences on Sept. 25 with events modeled after the theme "Neenah With Pride." The annual homecoming assembly starts after second mod on Sept. 25. That night, the Lion King will be projected...

Snapshots of Homecoming

Snapshots of Homecoming

Kiara Vanden Langenberg, Staff Photographer October 26, 2016

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