Sophomore Carley Willharm, Maddie Breager, Beatrice Padgham shared their story on their use of smartphones.
Many people are addicted to using cell phones.
One common invention used today is the cell phone. The first one was invented in 1973 and the first smartphone was invented in 1992. Since then, people rely on their phones more and more. Even though phones can be a helpful source, they also can cause users to become addicted.
Teens and young adults face this issue more than older adults who grew up not having cell phones in their lives. Nowadays, kids grow up with technology; therefore a survey was taken of students and a staff member to determine their level of addition. Based on research, some common questions determine a person’s level of cell phone dependence, which may include addiction.
Beginning with the freshmen, Kiana Hernandez admits her clear addiction to her cell phone. She mainly uses it for texting. When asked an estimate number of texts she sends per month she answered smiling,“Around 1,000, but I’ve never kept track.” She starts her day by checking her phone and uses it all day, even in class. The longest that she went without her phone was only one day when she got it taken away and she ended up logging onto her computer to contact people that way. There is not a time where she does not have her phone in her possession including in the bathroom. She is correct when she says, “I am addicted to my phone.”
Ysabella Castro, freshman, prefers her iPod over a phone because she can still contact people through texting and Skype. “That’s more convenient,” she said. She cannot imagine even a minute without her device in her hand. Even though her morning does not start with checking her iPod, she cannot help herself by checking it during classes, serious meetings and events. “I also love to listen to music everywhere anytime that sometimes causes me some problems,” shared the girl about her addiction. Although she did not want to admit her addiction, the information shared leads one to speculate otherwise.
Sophomores Carley Willharm, Maddie Breager and Beatrice Padgham shared their story on their use of smartphones. They were asked if they believe they are addicted to their cell phones and took a survey to prove if they are or not.
When asked if she is addicted to her phone, Willharm admits, “Yes I know I am.” Her morning routine starts with checking her phone in the morning. She uses her phone the most from 5 p.m. for homework until she goes to bed. When taking the survey, she admits she checks her phone during important events such as class or meetings. Often times, she believes she feels her phone vibrate when it did not; therefore, she is addicted to her cell phone, according to the survey.
Breager uses her phone the most around 5 p.m. for homework. She answered a quick, “No,” when asked if she is addicted to her phone. During the survey, she said she does not use her phone very often. When she went to Camp Onaway she was prohibited from cell phone use for a week and a half. She enjoyed having the break from her phone because she was able to spend quality time with her friends and participate in camp activities. She does not check her phone right away in the morning and hardly ever checks it throughout the day. Even though Breager shows no signs of cell phone addiction, she is protective of her phone by owning seven cases for it.
“Not really,” Padgham answers when asked if she is addicted to her phone. Despite not checking her phone right away in the morning, she does check it during the day and often during class. The most common time she uses her phone is from 5 p.m. until bed. Although she enjoys having a phone, she would much rather have a laptop. Padgham has found a balance of when to use her time spent on her phone. She is not addicted to it but does use it regularly.
Juniors Mark Mckenzie, Andrea Galloway, Jenna Rustick, Carolina Jones and Alexis Dezee were ones of the most willing to share their cell phones’ usage.
Mckenzie, Rustick and Jones do not feel themselves addicted to their phones and use them only when it is really needed. Checking social media websites, texting friends and listening to music of course takes some time of their life but they still can manage it. Rustick admits, “Social media is the most important thing I use my cellphone for.” So does Dezee, who, on the opposite side, cannot control herself when opens social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and others so loved by teen-agers. The students did not lie when they said they never check their messages or fresh photos on Instagram during classes and formal meetings. Cell phones have never caused them any problems. All of them came up with the same decision that cell phones can be used either before or after school. They follow this rule and do not regret about it. None of them show signs of addiction to their cell phones.
Senior Sabrina Anklam is known for her phone addiction and admits, “I know I am addicted.” She uses her phone all throughout the day starting with right away in the morning when she wakes up until she goes to bed. Anklam uses her phone for texting, social media and YouTube. She brings it wherever she goes, including in the bathroom, and always keeps it protected with a phone case. She is one to refuse to put her phone away and freaks out if she cannot feel it in her pocket or when someone tries to take it away from her. She cannot imagine herself without her smartphone or even going back to a basic phone. Rarely, she can be found without her phone nearby or in her hands. Anklam shows extreme signs of addiction to her cellphone.
Chemistry teacher Mr. Michael Lehman was quick to deny being addicted to his cell phone. Although he has a smart phone with unlimited texting, he usually only sends one or two texts per day. Often times he does not even have his phone near him. During school hours it is in his car or office desk and he will not check it until the end of the day. Every now and then he plays Candy Crush and Words With Friends with his wife while waiting on his kids when picking them up. Lehman prefers calling instead of texting due to the fact that he grew up with wall phones. Rarely does he use his phone and does not even want it at times and would rather have just a laptop. Lehman is not addicted to his cell phone and would be okay without owning one.