Transmission Single Review: Hot Head by Death Grips

Death Grips.2012_10_17_NPRLPR_192-1

They are loud, they are noisy, they do not care about you or what you think, they are an icon to hipsters everywhere, hailed as gods by Anthony Fantano, and until news of their new project Bottomless Pit, and now the release of this new single, they were believed to be on “indefinite hiatus”. /mu/ frequenters unite, MC Ride is back in action, and he is still the beast he worships.

Click play. You will immediately be assaulted by a barrage of distorted vocal samples, Zach Hill’s machine gun drumming, and MC Ride shouting “blow blow blow blow!” as though your life depended on completing the command. Even by Death Grips standard this is a face-melting opening. After you come out of this horrid storm, you will hear a crunched up synth arpeggio over a now much more stable 4/4 pattern from the drums. Ride’s words still sound like inane babble, but whatever he is saying you know its got him fired up. Rinse and repeat this variation of synth breakdown and sensory overload, and you have got this new single summed up with a pretty pink bow.

Lyrically, MC Ride is making quite sure you know how great he is. With lines like “My presence fog your confidence,” and “You know me, don’t nobody know my business,” if there’s anything you will remember other than the insane instrumentation here, it is that Ride is a demonic king.

This kind of style is nothing new for Death Grips. They sound exactly like their name: gripping onto something so intensely that you will die if you release it. If you are looking for my opinion on the track (who’d ever do that?), I think this track is not anything adventurous for the group, but it will leave devotees satisfied. Hot Head hits the spot for any fan.


(I do not score singles)