Domino Effect: Coach’s Belief System Inspires

Coach Jung functions as a domino in my life.
Life is comprised of primary domino moments. Events, responses and people can take us in different directions without knowledge of their impact.
Coach Jung functions as a domino in my life.
This pillar of strength is my football coach. He loves the game and displays so much passion for it. He is someone that inspires me to be a better person and teammate.
Jung starts playing football in seventh grade because it is his favorite sport to watch and to play. He loves to play; he enjoys the physicality of the game.
Throughout his high school career, he plays wide receiver and linebacker. He also plays on the offensive and defensive lines because of injuries. In college he didn’t play any of those positions, he plays strong safety.
Although, “Believe in yourself” is the best piece of advice he acquires from his football coaches, he often focuses on the role of the player within the team.
“Most important thing is that you have to have everyone’s back.”
He encourages players to play what position coach wants and have respect for everyone.
As he moves into this role as a coach, he reflects on how he made the decision to coach football. Ironically, he starts to play rugby, but he misses football. Later he starts teaching, and it seemed like a normal fit to become a coach for a sport that he loves and misses.
Teaching and coaching for 23 years, his favorite memory from coaching is during his first year as coach at Wausau East. The Lumberjacks beat 5th ranked Appleton North 22-21, and Wausau East hadn’t won four years in a row. When he starts coaching East’s record is 2-25, and no one had expects a win. Jung attributes the team’s success to believing.
Clearly, Coach Jung is a man who believes and inspires those around him. He is a primary domino in my life because he inspires me to move in a new direction toward success.