Neenah News: A Year’s Summary
December 12, 2018
The year 2018, while dominated by global and national events, was also considerably memorable closer to home. Though 365 days may seem like forever, the minutes of 2018 are ever dwindling, leaving NHS with piles of stories and and memories to filter through. The following is an explanation of the most influential high-profile events that dominated life at NHS.
One of this year’s biggest stories was about next year. District Considers Changes for 2019-’20 School Year, composed by sophomore Jason Fisher, explored the planned implementation of target-based grading and block scheduling, sparking heated debates and avid questions among students and teachers.
Nationwide Vaping Epidemic Plagues High Schools, written by freshman Ashlyn Jacobs aimed to decrease questions and ignorance too, however, on a different topic. NHS and countless other high schools across the nation saw a significant increase in vaping trends during 2018. The passing of Neenah’s new vaping ordinance in September led to numerous students receiving fines and school consequences. With the large numbers of students affected by vaping habits, the story made headlines both locally and nationally.
The relentless stream of mass shootings also appeared on larger scale news platforms– globally, nationally and locally. These events shocked the nation and resonated deeply within NHS students. In fact, many students joined a national school walkout on March 14, and many more took part in the March for Our Lives on April 24. These protests showed the best of NHS, as documented in senior (class of 2018) John Zwick’s video NHS Students Participate in National Walkout. Students and staff alike raised their voices in solidarity and in a growing national movement calling for action on gun violence.
Not only do students raise their voices through protests and actions, but through art as well. This year, several new art pieces appeared on campus, all with particular meanings and influences. A travel-themed mural, three animal canvases and a hmong tapestry add vibrancy and culture to the halls of NHS. Curious about the additions and their meaning, students turned to the Satellite for information, vivaciously reading Drew Karle’s Senior Hangs her Artwork Outside of the Cafeteria and Tapestry Adds Hmong Culture to NHS.
Neenah’s news from the past year not only reveals local circumstances, but reflects itself in the situations of the entire state, nation and world. Change and conflict are inevitable, but freedom to express opinions and make a difference are not. The news from 2018 may be set in stone, but the events of 2019 lay ready to occur. While composing a list of New Year’s resolutions, the Satellite staff suggests: slipping in one extra goal — use your voice to better the world!
(Please contribute to your school newspaper as a reader, writer or photographer.)