The word “scholar” can be traced to the ancient Greek “scholé,” which is often misleadingly translated as leisure, according to Chris Long, Dean of the College of Arts & Letters and of the MSU Honors College. The Greek word points to a certain kind of liberated time: the free time students need to pursue activities that are valuable in and of themselves.
Historically, scholarship included studying sources to better understand events, figures and cultures. Traditionally, scholarship has taken the forms of books, articles and presentations. Currently, scholarships connect students with money to study.
It is scholarship application season says The College Pod.
Students were learning how to apply for scholarships at Neenah High School with Mrs. Cheryl Fowler, the director of education for the Fox River Scholarship Center, Nov. 17.
“If it takes 2 hours to complete a scholarship for $2,000, how much money are you making an hour?” guidance counselor Mrs. Marcy Bauman asked seniors as they considered taking the time to apply for scholarships.
Because Mrs. Bauman is associated with Mrs. Fowler, she is kept in the loop on tips like this and other advice to pass down to students involving scholarships.
Another amazing example of advice given is that from 8:45 a.m. to 9:35 a.m. Dec. 7, there will be a special star time located at the Rush inside NHS. In addition to that date, students can also join on Jan. 9, Jan. 31, Feb. 21, Feb. 29 and March 8. This STAR time will be dedicated to students who want time to write their applications for scholarships in school, and even Mrs. Fowler will be there educating about the web page they will be applying on, the Fox River Scholarship Center.
When asked why students should apply if they are not already thinking about it, they should know that when they complete one application, they do not have to alter it too much to apply for other similar scholarships. It should not take long at all, Mrs. Bauman confirmed.
Following the theme of advice, Mrs. Fowler has some of her own to share as well. Without a doubt, one of the most important things to remember while applying for scholarships is to carefully read the instructions on the applications, as it makes sorting and understanding much easier for the people who are reading the applications.
Mrs. Fowler also advises that students should check to see if their parents’ workplaces have any available scholarships. It would be easier to apply to and can have easy references for the applicants via their employed parents. She also states that if the college the student is applying to has freshman scholarships available, they should take that opportunity to apply as well.

Nigel Thao, a senior at NHS who plans on applying for scholarships this year would consider these tips useful. Nigel has not applied for any sort of scholarships yet, but he plans to apply for the various sports scholarships that are available on the Fox River Scholarship Center, the website that Mrs. Fowler works for.
When asked about why students may not be interested in applying for scholarships from a fellow classmate’s perspective, Nigel clarified that students may be unaware of the resources available. He also stated that the process of writing, editing, and applying may be overwhelming for some students, not to mention the time it may take to do so.
Luckily, for the students of journalism and other classes, Mrs. Fowler took time out of her day to talk in person about how to apply.
With all the confusion and time constraints that may shadow over students while applying for scholarships, it is important to know that there will always be help available to liberate students who need and are willing to pursue activities that are valuable in and of themselves beyond high school.
Mrs. Bauman and Mrs. Fowler will especially dedicate their time to support students at NHS with the scholarship application process to further benefit all scholars who seek financial aid.
Harrison Lauer • Mar 13, 2024 at 2:59 PM
Its crazy how much money is out their if students just apply themselves.
Leo B Wilhelm • Mar 13, 2024 at 2:46 PM
I have applied to many scholarships that will hopefully help me pay for college and the Fox Valley Scholarship website has been very helpful.