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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


South East Asian Club Exceed Sale Goals

South East Asian Club Exceed Sale Goals

Nigel Thao, Student of Journalism December 11, 2023

South East Asian or S.E.A. Club raised $3,989.45 passing their goal of $2,000 for club fundraising at the Neenah Craft fair on Nov. 4.  Throughout the food sale, customers asked what is S.E.A. Club?...

Student government movie night 2023

Neenah Student Government Association Advocates for Students’ Success

Chloe Sieman, Student of Journalism December 11, 2023

Student government proposed a reproportion of Laude standards for graduation progresses to the school board according to Principal Brian Wunderlich.  The proposal was presented to Wunderlich in early...

Speech and Debate Team Attends Glenbrooks National Tournament

Speech and Debate Team Attends Glenbrooks National Tournament

Sarah Hoffman, Student of Journalism December 11, 2023

Neenah Speech and Debate attended the Glenbrooks Speech and Debate Tournament in Illinois this November.  The purpose of attending this trip was not to place, but to learn and receive feedback from...

Rebirth of Science Olympiad Club

Rebirth of Science Olympiad Club

Kayla Rodriguez, Student of Journalism December 3, 2023

The Science Olympiad club recently won 1st place for two events in Bellville, on Nov. 11. ¨Science Olympiad is a national competition,¨ Coach Kevin Sonntag said. In this club, there are possibly...

2023-'24 Winter Sports Features Solid Teams

2023-’24 Winter Sports Features Solid Teams

Brianna Ankerson, Student of Journalism November 29, 2023

Many high school students of all grades are participating in a variety of sports this year, typically lasting November-mid to late March.  Throughout each winter sport,  upperclassmen tend to lead...

Neenah's One Act earned a total point average above the required 2.67, making them eligible for the Critics Choice Award, the highest honor a performance can receive.

Neenah High One Act Achieves Success at State

Elise Hendrickson, Student of Journalism November 27, 2023

Neenah High’s One Act earned all major awards last weekend at UW-Green Bay in the Wisconsin Interscholastic Theater Festival, director Miss Kaitlyn Bergmann reported. In Neenah’s play: This Girl...

Home Field Pride Contest

Home Field Pride Contest

Jack Morrissey, Co-Editor-in-Chief September 19, 2023

Neenah High School has been nominated for the Midwest Sport & Turf Systems Home Field Pride campaign. This campaign allows fans to vote on the best football field design and construction provided and...

2023 Lip Dub Calls on NHS Activities

2023 Lip Dub Calls on NHS Activities

Elaina Plankey, Editor-in-Chief May 8, 2023

Eleven years ago the students of NHS put together Neenah’s first lip dub. As a way to honor current students, and the last class to graduate from the current high school, NHS sports and activities will...

Satellite Wins Awards at NEWSPA 2023

Press Release April 20, 2023

Carrying a record 18 in-person participants and submitting work from even more, the Neenah Satellite staff attended the annual Northeast Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association Conference in Oshkosh on...

Powerlifters Bring Home Four National Titles

Powerlifters Bring Home Four National Titles

Marissa Derouso, Staff Writer April 10, 2023

Securing four national championship trophies, the Neenah Powerlifting team celebrated its best performance in the history of the the program founded by Coach Joe Lewis. Neenah captured the championship...

All five State competing VEX robotics from NHS

VEX Robotics Conquers State and Moves to Worlds

Elaina Plankey, Editor-in-Chief March 15, 2023

Two freshman members of VEX robotics team competed in the Wisconsin state championship at the Resch Expo in Green Bay on March 11, won the Amaze Award, and are slated to participate in the VEX robotics...

Singers Roar at Choral Festival

Robert Barthell, Assistant Editor-in-Chief February 15, 2023

It has been three years since all Neenah Choir Groups had a concert in the same place together.  In an hourlong event, all singers in grades 7-12 took Pickard Stage to entertain a large audience to songs...

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