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  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Aspiring Diplomat Represents Georgia as a Foreign Exchange Student in America

Elaina Plankey and Lindsey Jones November 4, 2022

Foreign exchange student from Tbisil, Georgia Saba Gagoshidze embarks on a journey of cultural immersion. He is spending his junior year studying abroad in America here at NHS. With preference to his...

Foreign Exchange Student from Hungary Adapts to the Life of a Wisconsinite

Sierra Luepke and Ana Sofia O. Pavao November 4, 2022

Following a loop of faith and adventure, Hungarian Zsophia Zorka Voko, who prefers to be called Sophia, decided to risk it all and leave it to fate to decide where she would be spending her exchange year...

French Foreign Exchange Student Navigates New Culture

Chloe Loberg and Preston Schamens November 4, 2022

Moving from a city of over 2 million people to the seemingly small city of Neenah is a drastic change of pace. For foreign exchange student Gaelle Tronche, this change has been her reality for the past...

Foreign Exchange Student Takes on Challenges of New Country

Anna Foucault and Josh Armstrong November 4, 2022

In search of adventure and travel, a student named Filip Eyer decides to join the Czech Republic’s foreign exchange program for a chance to pursue his dreams and be accepted into an American high school. Eyer...

Brazilian Exchange Student Adapts to Foreign School System

Drew Gentile and Zach Kramp November 4, 2022

It is safe to say that Ana Sofia Ottani Pavão is aproveitando a oportunidade de uma vida. The Brazilian native of the city Piracicaba is thousands of miles from home, but flourishing in a foreign culture. Pavão’s...

German Foreign Exchange Student Takes Inspiration from Sister to Travel Internationally

Ella Mainville and Emerson Bluemke November 4, 2022

Although an extensive and slightly nerve-wracking decision, Irati Deperrest, a German native, took a chance and chose to participate in foreign exchange during the 2022-’23 school year. Irati, who prefers...

From Finland to the States, Foreign Exchange Student Gets Unique Experience

Kaya Boettcher, Student of Journalism November 6, 2020

The transition from vast boreal forests to corn fields and farmland is a shocking one. For Kristo Tuomiranta, this is one of the biggest differences in culture he notices between his native country and...

Foreign Exchange Student Anticipates Christmas:  The Year with a Santa Claus

Foreign Exchange Student Anticipates Christmas: The Year with a Santa Claus

Jacob Schwartz, Student of Journalism October 28, 2019

In 1967 Albania was declared the world’s first Atheist country when its dictator destroyed all religious sites and holidays including Christmas.  The dictatorship was destroyed in the 1990s, yet its...

Typical American Student Endures Not So Typical Foreign Conflict

Typical American Student Endures Not So Typical Foreign Conflict

Rachel Cortina, Student of Journalism October 27, 2019

Gathered around the communal dinner table at 10 p.m., on Thursday, Oct. 17, Emma Kotchen, along with her parents and two brothers, nervously anticipate the upcoming day.  Three months prior, the family...

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