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  • February 3Feb. 3 - Band-O-Rama, 7 p.m. (NHS Competition Gym)
  • February 2Feb. 2 - Winter Drama, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," 2 p.m. (NHS Black Box)
  • February 1Feb. 1 - Girls Hockey vs. Hayward, Noon (Tri-County Ice Arena)
The student news site of Neenah High School


  • February 6Feb. 6 - High School Orchestra Concert, 7:30 p.m. (NHS Performing Arts Center)
  • February 8Feb. 8 - Powerlifting, Neenah Invite, 8 a.m. (NMS Fieldhouse)
  • February 8Feb. 8 - Boys Basketball vs. Wisconsin Lutheran, 6 p.m. (NMS Competition Gym)
  • February 11Feb. 11 - NJSD Choral Festival (Grades 7-12), 7 p.m. (Pickard Auditorium)
  • February 13Feb. 13 - Boys Hockey vs. Wausau West, 7 p.m. (Fox Cities Champion Center)
  • February 15Feb. 15 - WIAA Boys Swimming Sectional, Noon (NMS Natatorium)
The student news site of Neenah High School


The student news site of Neenah High School


Letter to Students and Staff: Appeal for Less Homework

Dylan Romzek, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear Students and Staff: Timmy is your average freshman student athlete. He has practice every day after school until 5:30 p.m. When he gets home around 6 o’clock, he eats a quick meal with his family...

Letter to Faculty: Collect Phones to Avoid Distraction

Trinity Grimes, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear NHS Faculty: “Put your phone away” has become a sentence uttered far too often by teachers in our schools today. Time and time again through almost every class, teachers are having to fight...

Letter to Student Body: Extracurriculars Improve Facets of Life

Elizabeth Vitale, Guest Writer May 18, 2018

Dear Student Body: Every child remembers being told to eat their vegetables, their parents claiming the food will help them grow up big and strong. As we grow older, we eventually find out that this...

Perfect example of what your goal should be

Letter to the Editor: Pointless New Year’s Resolutions

January 13, 2018

Dear Editor:  A new year, a new me. A common phrase among people once New Year's hits. One way many do this is with New Year’s resolutions -- a way to set goals for yourself once the new year hits....

Letter to the Editor:  Expand Lunch Period

Letter to the Editor: Expand Lunch Period

December 26, 2017

  Dear Editor: Numerous high schoolers have complained too many times in regards to short lunch periods making Neenah behind in the state when it come to time management. It is often frowned...

Letter to the Editor: Swimming Requirement Advocated

Letter to the Editor: Swimming Requirement Advocated

December 26, 2017

Dear Editor: Home and Recreational Safety confirmed from 2005-2014, 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings annually in the United States — about 10 deaths per day.  In addition to that scary statistic,...

Letter to the Editor:  NHS WiFi Lacks Access

Letter to the Editor: NHS WiFi Lacks Access

December 26, 2017

Dear Editor: Here at NHS six WiFi networks exist with only one of them being a public network for students.  One should be fine; unfortunately, it blocks the majority of all the apps we like to use...

Student mural in the library that picture students of the past and the future

Letter to the Editor: Questioning the Mental Health of Future Generations

December 26, 2017

Dear Editor: NHS is looking to implement the standards-based grading in the coming years. Many classes already have started with this implementation. It is a common belief that this new grading scale...

Donating is become more and more accessible to the public due to the Salvation Army

Letter to Editor: Giving Back in Our Community

Kassidy Schmidt, Student of Journalism December 19, 2017

Dear Editor:  We have finally come upon the holiday season, which means gifts, travel, and plenty of food. Our biggest worry is making sure our friends and family are traveling safely and providing...

American Studies Collection of Letters to the Editor:  Terrorism

American Studies Collection of Letters to the Editor: Terrorism

October 17, 2017

American Studies students were asked to write a letter, this letter would be sent to a government official on the topic of terrorism. The letter would explain the causes and effects of the War on Terror...

Letter To The Editor: Benefits of a Foul Tongue

Cody Wienandt, Student of Journalism January 10, 2017

Dear Editor: No matter its label -- obscenity to nasty words -- cursing is viewed negatively and is said to not belong in school.  Is this old school thinking still appropriate in today's modern schools?...

Letter to the Editor: The Reality of Being an Exchange Student

Barbara Simon, Student of Journalism January 6, 2017

Dear Editor: Being an exchange student in a different country can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a person's life. During a year abroad there is so much to be gained, such as experiencing...

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